Releases: lMartin3/BetterShulkerBoxesRewritten
Releases · lMartin3/BetterShulkerBoxesRewritten
Better Shulker Boxes 4.1.1
Better Shulker Boxes 4.1.0
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Better Shulker Boxes >=4.1.0 requires Java 17 or higher!
Changes in version 4.1.0:
- Added World Guard hook, you can now set a list regions to act as a whitelist or blacklist (thanks to @KaspianDev on GitHub)
- Fixed issue where cooldown message would sometimes crash the server
- Players can now open a shulkerbox from their inventory even if they have another one open
Better Shulker Boxes 4.0.1
Changes in version 4.0.1:
- Fixed a small issue with dupe protection in which the plugin would say it did not disable it's features even if it did
Better Shulker Boxes 4.0.0
Better Shulker Boxes 3.2.0
Better Shulker Boxes 3.1.3
Better Shulker Boxes 3.1.2
Better Shulker Boxes 3.1.1
Better Shulker Boxes 3.1.0
Changes in version 3.1.0:
- Improved code quality a bit
- Made it so the configuration system would actually delete the old configuration file (vers. prior to 3.0.0)
JAR Also available on SpigotMC
Better Shulker Boxes 3.0.0 [PRE-RELEASE]
I rewrote the plugin from scratch, the only things from the old version that I did not port are the worldguard flag and the right-click on a shulker inside a chest feature. This version should work without issues for any version between 1.13 and 1.18, both spigot and paperspigot.
The JAR will not be published in Spigot until I make sure everything works fine, for the moment you can download it from here.