#Br4ckets Theme
A Sublime Text 2/3 Theme inspired by the Brackets Editor Default Color Scheme. It should work in any Editor that works with TextMate .tmtheme files.
Font: Source Code Pro
Sublime Settings:
{ "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Br4ckets (Night).tmtheme", "font_face": "Source Code Pro", "font_size": 13, "line_padding_bottom": 2, "line_padding_top": 2, "highlight_line": true }
- TextMate
- Sublime Text 2
- Sublime Text 3
- Redcar (Uses TextMate Themes)
- E TextEditor (Uses TextMate Themes)
The theme has been designed to be language independent and should look great with any language. However, if you find this isn't the case, just send me some sample code and I'll try to fix it!
I may be releasing other variations of this theme or slightly color changes.