A web app that will find a center point to meet for a group of users.
Using the MERN + socket.io stack.
Run the Server/client at once using 'npm run develop'.
- Download repo
- 'npm install' at root to install dependencies.
- 'npm run seed' to seed data for testing.
- 'npm run develop' to launch application.
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Express
- React
- Node
- Socket.io
- GraphQL
- Apollo
- Tailwind
- Material UI
- Headless UI
We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
Reporting a bug
Discussing the current state of the code
Submitting a fix
Proposing new features
This program only has one mode and no commands or test
Github: Raymond Lewis
Email: raymond.ed.lewis@gmail.com
Github: Dylan Griess
Email: dylangriess@gmail.com