Synchronously get the current git commit hash, tag, or branch. Forked from git-rev.
var git = require('git-rev-sync');
// 75bf4ee
// 75bf4eea9aa1a7fd6505d0d0aa43105feafa92ef
// master
// 0.1.0
// [
// [
// '75bf4eea9aa1a7fd6505d0d0aa43105feafa92ef',
// 'update pjson to include sync exec',
// '17 minutes ago',
// 'kurttheviking'
// ],
// [
// '143120ac3ecc07aeae1462b372bb2033aa20c3ee',
// 'Merge pull request #6 from shtylman/patch-1',
// '1 year, 2 months ago',
// 'Thomas Blobaum'
// ],
// ...
// ]
You can also run these examples via: npm run examples
npm install git-rev-sync --save
var git = require('git-rev-sync');
return the git log of process.cwd()
as an array; each array contains the long commit hash, commit message, fuzzy commit time, and user
return the result of git rev-parse --short HEAD
return the result of git rev-parse HEAD
return the current tag
return the current branch
Not tested outside of a *nix system. See the execSync module notes on this topic.