A file format for describing custom elements
Example of a Single File Web Component
Custom elements (web components) for making audio and video player controls that look great in your website or app.
A collection of 24 x 24 dp SVG spinners! (CSS & SMIL)
Combination of multiple linters to run as a GitHub Action or standalone
Integration with Steam for Galaxy
WordPress Feature Project: Plugin Dependencies
WordPress Develop, Git-ified. Synced from git://, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please include a li…
DenoSass is a complete nearly fully featured Sass compiler for Deno and Browser
"Crop Thumbnails" made it easy to get exacly that specific image-detail you want to show. Crop your images the simple way.
HTML indentation library for development and testing.
WP Feature Notifications - a proposal to modernise the way in which WordPress handles emails, admin notices and user notifications
Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript.
ESM-powered frontend build tool. Instant, lightweight, unbundled development. ✌️
Extending the WordPress Code block with syntax highlighting rendered on the server, thus having faster frontend performance and being AMP-compatible.
A simple description list for Gutenberg.
Twig components inspired from blade components
A composer plugin to detect potential trouble with WordPress plugins installed via composer.
A custom update checker for WordPress plugins. Useful if you don't want to host your project in the official WP repository, but would still like it to support automatic updates. Despite the name, i…
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
A custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes. Intended to be used in conjunction with my plugin-update-checker library.
A simple Instagram JavaScript plugin for your website
[Unmaintained] Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji
Ingenious JavaScript Carousel powered by wonderful plugins. Lightweight yet extensible. Import plugins as needed, No more, no less.
A class to copy into your WordPress plugin, to allow loading template parts with fallback through the child theme > parent theme > plugin.