A Raspberry Pi Weather Station using the Sense HAT that stores all captured data in a local SQLite DB. You will need a sense HAT and a few other bits of equipment to be able to get this to work.
- Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
- Micro SD Card or a SD card if you’re using an old version of the Pi.
- Power Supply
- Sense HAT
- Ethernet Cable or WiFi Dongle (The Pi 3 has WiFi inbuilt)
This weatherstation consists of two parts. A python script that reads out all the data from the Sense Hat and persists it into a SQLite databse, and a Node.js part that executes the py script, and displays the retrieved data on a webpage.
- Make sure the Pi has the latest updates and software.
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get upgrade
- Install the Sense Hat software package, which provides all the libraries to interact with the Sense Hat.
$sudo apt-get install sense-hat $sudo reboot
- Create the following python script and save it as weatherstation.py
from timer import Timer from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep import os import sqlite3 import time, datetime sense = SenseHat() def persistData (): temp = round(sense.get_temperature(),1) cpu_temp = round(get_cpu_temp(), 1) temp_calibrated = temp - ((cpu_temp - temp)/5.466) # Temperature correction due to cpu heat pressure = round(sense.get_pressure(), 1) humidity = round(sense.get_humidity(), 1) date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") # This creates or opens up a DB db = sqlite3.connect('./db/weatherstation.db') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO pidata(pressure, temperature, humidity, datum) VALUES(?,?,?,?)', (pressure, temp_calibrated, humidity, date)) db.commit() db.close() def get_cpu_temp(): res = os.popen("vcgencmd measure_temp").readline() t = float(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n","")) return(t) # Persist wheater data every 15 mintues rt = Timer(900, persistData)
- Test and run your python script
$sudo python3 weatherstation.py
Add a weathercontroller.js
module.exports = function(app, db, jsonParser){ var fields = ["ID", "pressure", "temperature", "humidity", "datum"]; // api/weatherdata app.get('/api/weatherdata', function(req, res){ db.all("SELECT " + fields.join(", ") + " FROM pidata", function(err, rows) { res.json(rows); }); }); // api/weatherdata/trend/pressure - Select last 7 days and every nth row (ID % 4 = 0), four in this case app.get('/api/weatherdata/trend/pressure', function(req, res){ db.all("SELECT pressure, time(datum) AS datum FROM pidata WHERE datum > (SELECT DATETIME('now', 'localtime', '-7 day')) AND ID % 4 = 0", function(err, rows) { res.json(rows); }); }); // api/weatherdata/trend/pressure/today app.get('/api/weatherdata/trend/pressure/today', function(req, res){ db.all("SELECT pressure, time(datum) AS datum FROM pidata WHERE datum >= (SELECT DATETIME('now', 'localtime', '-1 day')) AND datum <= (SELECT DATETIME('now', 'localtime'))", function(err, rows) { res.json(rows); }); }); // api/weatherdata/trend/temperature/today app.get('/api/weatherdata/trend/temperature/today', function(req, res){ db.all("SELECT temperature, time(datum) AS datum FROM pidata WHERE datum >= (SELECT DATETIME('now', 'localtime', '-1 day')) AND datum <= (SELECT DATETIME('now', 'localtime'))", function(err, rows) { res.json(rows); }); }); }
And finally the server.js file:
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var jsonParser = bodyParser.json() var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }) var path = require('path') var dbPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'db/weatherstation.db') var www = path.resolve(__dirname, 'www') var python = path.resolve(__dirname, 'python/weatherstation.py') var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3'); //.verbose(); var db = new sqlite3.Database(dbPath); // Add restful controller require('./controllers/weathercontroller')(app, db, jsonParser); // Start the weatherstation.py script var child_process = require('child_process'); child_process.exec('python3 ' + python, function (err){ if (err) { console.log("child processes failed with error code: " + err.code); } }); // Serve static files app.use(express.static(www)) app.listen(9999);
Run your node script
$node server.js
Access the retrieved data
Overview with charts: localhost:9999 json results: All data: localhost:9999/api/weatherdata Pressure data for the last 7 days: localhost:9999/api/weatherdata/trend/pressure Pressure data today: localhost:9999/api/weatherdata/trend/pressure/today Temperature data today: localhost:9999/api/weatherdata/trend/temperature/today