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RealSense Plugin for Unreal Engine 4


The purpose of this plugin is to provide support for the RealSense SDK inside of the Unreal Engine 4 Editor. SDK features are exposed via Blueprint components and Blueprint functions, and can be referenced in C++ for developers who write code.

Developers gain access to the SDK and its supported middleware through actor components, each of which encapsulate a specific set of features. For example, there is a Camera Streams Component that controls the resolution of the color and depth cameras and provides access to the raw image buffers. And there is a Scan 3D Component that provides support for the 3D Scanning middleware, including setting the scan configuration, accessing the preview image buffer, and saving the scan out to disk. For a complete list of featured and in-progress components, see the list below.

Multiple RealSense components of different types may be present in the same UE4 scene, as can multiple instances of the same component. This is possible because each component communicates with a global Session Manager Actor (GSM) that maintains a singular state of all RealSense settings and data. A GSM is instantiated automatically when the first RealSense component is created, and is virtually invisible to the developer.

Behind the scenes, each component reads from and writes to the GSMr to ensure consistency across components. The GSM creates a dedicated thread that performs all RealSense processing, and the game thread polls for updates from this thread on every tick. This separation helps keep the game thread running quickly even when the RealSense thread is doing some heavy lifting.

For more details, please see the full article at:

Also, check out these tutorial videos to get started using the RealSense plugin:

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Featured Components

  • Camera Streams - Provides access to raw color and depth image buffers
  • Scan 3D - Supports the scanning of faces and objects into 3D models

In-Progress Components

  • Head Tracking - Provides data for the user's head position and rotation
  • Scene Perception - Supports the scanning of small scenes into 3D models

Known Non-Compliance with UE4 Coding Standard

This plugin makes use of C++11 std::unique_ptr objects, instead of the TSharedPtr type in places where a custom deleter is needed. Many of the built-in RealSense types (like PXCSession) are unable to use a TSharedPtr because the TSharedPtr DestroyObject function, cannot access private members in the PXCBase class.

I do not know of an equivalent data type in UE4 for std::atomic types, so I have kept std::atomic_bool variables in places where I need shared booleans between threads.

Having read UE4 Threading tutorials, the amount of overhead compared to a simple call to std::thread() makes it seem not worth the extra effort, so I have kept std::thread, std::mutex, and std::unique_locks in my code.


RealSense Plugin for UE4






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