Seems that the tests are no longer working? master ✔ 4d
▶ ./kompose -f script/test/fixtures/etherpad/docker-compose.yml convert --stdout -j
WARN The DB_PORT variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The ROOT_PASS variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_NAME variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_PASS variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_USER variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_HOST variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_NAME variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_PASS variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_PORT variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
WARN The DB_USER variable is not set. Substituting a blank string.
ERRO Could not parse config for project etherpad : Service 'mariadb' configuration key 0 value Does not match format 'ports'
FATA composeObject.Parse() failed, Failed to load compose file: Service 'mariadb' configuration key 0 value Does not match format 'ports'
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