What steps did you take and what happened?
I was trying to move a cluster from a bootstrap cluster to the new mgmt-cluster, which failed, because of the webhook.
Creating IPAddress="mgmt-cluster-control-plane-9p4r4" Namespace="default"
Object already exists, updating IPAddress="mgmt-cluster-control-plane-9p4r4" Namespace="default"
Retrying with backoff Cause="error updating \", Kind=IPAddress\" default/mgmt-cluster-control-plane-9p4r4: admission webhook \"\" denied the request: spec: Forbidden: the spec of IPAddress is immutable
What did you expect to happen?
I expect the clusterctl move succeed
Cluster API version
Kubernetes version
Anything else you would like to add?
Error: [action failed after 10 attempts: error updating ", Kind=IPAddress" default/mgmt-cluster-control-plane-pwhfv: admission webhook "" denied the request: spec: Forbidden: the spec of IPAddress is immutable, action failed after 10 attempts: error updating ", Kind=IPAddress" default/mgmt-cluster-control-plane-6xk8h: admission webhook "" denied the request: spec: Forbidden: the spec of IPAddress is immutable, action failed after 10 attempts: error updating ", Kind=IPAddress" default/mgmt-cluster-control-plane-9p4r4: admission webhook "" denied the request: spec: Forbidden: the spec of IPAddress is immutable]
Label(s) to be applied
/kind bug
One or more /area label. See for the list of labels.
Issues or PRs related to ipamDenotes an issue that needs help from a contributor. Must meet "help wanted" guidelines.Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug.Important over the long term, but may not be staffed and/or may need multiple releases to complete.Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.