What would you like to be added (User Story)?
As an operator I would like a cluster using topology to do rolling updates one machine deployment at a time when I update configuration of the cluster.
Detailed Description
When operating a cluster that is setup using the clusterclass/topology feature it very nicely updates one machine deployment at a time when doing kubernetes upgrades.
However when changing configuration of the nodes it will do a rollout of every machine deployment in parallel.
It would be nice if you could configure the topology controller to have the same rollout method for configuration changes as with kubernetes upgrades.
Anything else you would like to add?
It would also be very nice if you could add some more complex strategies. Like that you can tell the controller to do some machine deployments in serial and some in parallel.
As an example: If you have 3 machine deployments (in separate zones) for a db and 3 for applications. All the db nodes should be done in serial and all the application nodes in serial. But the groups could be done in parallel.
But this feels like a streched goal, maybe it merits its own feature request issue?
Label(s) to be applied
/kind feature
One or more /area label. See for the list of labels.