This repository contains a collection of examples demonstrating how to use Kotlin/Wasm. Each example includes the source code and a file explaining how to build and run the example.
To know more about Kotlin wasm, please visit
- Compose Jetsnack — Web version of Jetsnack application built with Compose Multiplatform
- Compose Image Viewer — Web version of Image Viewer application built with Compose Multiplatform
- Browser Example -- A simple app showing "Hello World" in the browser using DOM API.
- Node.js Example -- A simple app printing "Hello World" in the Node.js.
- KoWasm -- Server-side and full stack development with Kotlin and WebAssembly leveraging WASI and Component Model.
To build and run an example, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository
- Navigate to the directory of the example you want to build and run.
- Follow instruction in the
Try examples, and share your feedback and ask questions in the Kotlin Slack #webassembly channel (if you’re not a member, apply here) or on Twitter to @bashorov.