Go to https://manage.opscode.com/login
and create a new organization for your startup. Refresh the page and switch the organization to your startup. Navigate to Administration
-> Reset Validation Key
Copy the newly generated key to ~/.chef/name-validator.pem.
Run sudo bash -c "openssl rand -base64 512 | tr -d '\r\n' > /etc/chef/organization_secret"
to generate the secret used for encrypting and decrypting content of data bags.
- A name that identifies your computerclient_key
- Path to your private validation keyvalidation_key
- Path to your organization's validation key (the one you just created)chef_server_url
- https://api.opscode.com/organizations/your_organization_nameknife[:aws_credential_file]
- Path to your AWS credentialsknife[:region]
- Your default AWS regionknife[:secret_file]
- data bag secret path
If your project has more than one maintainer, copy the file to .chef/knife.rb.example and add .chef/knife.rb to your project's .gitignore
Rename base
cookbook to your organization's name by running mv cookbooks/base cookbooks/organization
Edit cookbooks/organization/metadata.rb
Update cookbooks/organization/attributes/rails_server.rb
with appropriate version of Ruby (normal['rvm']['rubies']
), nginx (normal['nginx']['version']
) and Passenger (normal['nginx']['passenger']['version']
Change project variables:
default['base']['project_dir'] = "/var/proj/base-#{node.chef_environment}"
todefault['organization']['project_dir'] = "/var/proj/organization-#{node.chef_environment}"
to your website url
Modify attributes/deploy.rb
Update templates/default/htpasswd.erb
(default credentials base:Base2014).
Open AWS web console and navigate to:
Create three buckets with names corresponding to your server name and environment, e.g. organization.com, staging.organization.com, development.organization.com. Make sure to do this in the correct region.
Create 2 key pairs, e.g.: organization-staging and organization-production. Save them somewhere safe and change access permission to 600 e.g. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/organization/*.pem
Create 3 load balancers, e.g.: organization-staging, organization-production and organization-blog. For now allow only listening on port 80, unless you already have an SSL certificate.
In health check configuration change port to 81
and path to /
While creating the first balancer, create a security group named organization-lb that will allow connecting on port 80 and 443. Use the same security group for all 3 load balancers. Don't add instances for the time being.
Create 2 security groups, e.g.: organization-staging and organization-production.
Add rules to allow SSH (TCP, port 22) connection from your current IP and TCP ports 80-81 connections from the load balancer (Add Rule -> HTTP -> Source -> Custom IP -> start typing organization-lb).
Create 1 additional security group: organization-db. Allow connections on TCP port 5432 from the two security groups you just created.
Create two roles: organization-production and organization-staging. Role type: EC2, No Permission. Edit the roles and add the following role policies:
role: organization-production
policy name: s3_organization.com
{ "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::organization.com/*", "arn:aws:s3:::organization.com" ] } ] }
role: organization-staging
policy name: s3_staging.organization.com
{ "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::staging.organization.com/*", "arn:aws:s3:::staging.organization.com" ] } ] }
role: organization-production and organization-staging
policy name: ses
{ "Statement": [ { "Effect":"Allow", "Action": ["ses:SendRawEmail","ses:SendEmail"], "Resource":"*" } ] }
Navigate to RDS. Setup PostgreSQL db.m1.small with multi AZ deployment and 10 GB storage. Select previously created organization-db as security group. Select backup and maintenance windows to be the early morning in your timezone.
Run bundle install
Upload community cookbooks using berks upload
Upload cookbook using knife cookbook upload organization
Create config bag
knife data bag create config --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
Every item
you add to this data bag will generate a corresponding config/item.yml
configuration file.
Items should have three keys: id
, staging
, production
. Id is the name of the item. Content of staging
and production
will populate the yml file in staging and production environment respectively.
You can generate json config from existing yml
files running the following command in ruby console
config='database'; puts JSON.pretty_generate({id: config}.merge(YAML.load(File.read("config/#{config}.yml")).slice('staging','production'))); 1
Sample config files:
Create config/database.yml
knife data bag create config database --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
"id": "database",
"production": {
"adapter": "postgresql",
"encoding": "unicode",
"username": "<USERNAME>",
"host": "<HOST>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>",
"port": 5432,
"database": "<DBNAME>"
"staging": {
"adapter": "postgresql",
"encoding": "unicode",
"username": "<USERNAME>",
"host": "<HOST>",
"password": "<PASSWORD>",
"port": 5432,
"database": "<DBNAME>_staging"
Create config/newrelic.yml
knife data bag create config newrelic --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
"id": "newrelic",
"production": {
"license_key": "<LICENSE KEY>",
"app_name": "<ORGANIZATION NAME>",
"monitor_mode": true,
"developer_mode": false,
"log_level": "info",
"browser_monitoring": {
"auto_instrument": true
"audit_log": {
"enabled": false
"capture_params": false,
"transaction_tracer": {
"enabled": true,
"transaction_threshold": "apdex_f",
"record_sql": "obfuscated",
"stack_trace_threshold": 0.5
"error_collector": {
"enabled": true,
"ignore_errors": "ActionController::RoutingError,Sinatra::NotFound"
"staging": {
"license_key": "<LICENSE KEY>",
"app_name": "<ORGANIZATION> (Staging)",
"monitor_mode": true,
"developer_mode": false,
"log_level": "info",
"browser_monitoring": {
"auto_instrument": true
"audit_log": {
"enabled": false
"capture_params": false,
"transaction_tracer": {
"enabled": true,
"transaction_threshold": "apdex_f",
"record_sql": "obfuscated",
"stack_trace_threshold": 0.5
"error_collector": {
"enabled": true,
"ignore_errors": "ActionController::RoutingError,Sinatra::NotFound"
Create config/secrets.yml
(cd .. && rake secret)
(cd .. && rake secret)
knife data bag create config secrets --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
"id": "secrets",
"production": {
"secret_key_base": "<KEYBASE1>",
"aws": {
"region": "ap-southeast-1",
"bucket": "<PRODUCTION BUCKET>",
"log_level": "debug"
"staging": {
"secret_key_base": "<KEYBASE2>",
"aws": {
"region": "ap-southeast-1",
"bucket": "<STAGING BUCKET>",
"log_level": "debug"
Create 2 deploy keys (production and staging)
ssh-keygen -C organization-deploy-production -f ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-production
ssh-keygen -C organization-deploy-staging -f ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-staging
Add public keys to github repository (navigate to the rails project's repository -> Settings -> Deploy keys -> Add deploy key x2).
cat ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-production.pub
cat ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-staging.pub
Add private keys to keys git
data bag (you need to replace new line with \n)
cat ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-production | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g'
cat ~/.ssh/organization-deploy-staging | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/\\n/g'
knife data bag create keys git --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
"id": "git",
"production": {
"deploy_key": "<PRIVATE DEPLOY KEY1>"
"staging": {
"deploy_key": "<PRIVATE DEPLOY KEY2>"
Create empty certs data bag (you will later use it for payments and push notification certs)
knife data bag create certs --secret-file /etc/chef/organization_secret
Create a staging branch in Rails project's repostiory
git checkout -b staging
git push origin staging
Create environments
knife environment create staging
knife environment create production
Add your AWS credentials to ~/.chef/aws.credentials
Update setup_staging.sh
and setup_production.sh
with security group ids, role names, key names and ami id.