Sending Mandrill emails using Laravel notification channel
NextJS 14 with Laravel Breeze starter kit — Experimenting on decoupled pattern with Laravel Reverb.
The Laravel backend API for an experiment with Reverb and NextJS 14.
Assignments for a youtube series!
An example repo on how to use multiple devcontainer.json files with VS Code.
Authentication built for Nuxt 3! Easily add authentication via OAuth providers, credentials or Email Magic URLs!
PrimeVue Components Styled with Tailwind CSS
Example showing how to use NextAuth.js with Next.js
Wind is a community-maintained Tailwind CSS preset for PrimeVue Tailwind.
AuthJS edge-compatible authentication Nuxt module.
Utils for managing and manipulating ESLint flat config arrays
Repository pattern API with Laravel
Tutorial to build a robust Full Stack authentication app using Nuxt, sidebase/nuxt-atuh MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS.
Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
Nuxt 3 and integration.