Kanna class version of original MS-Visionify (https://github.com/Dashadower/MS-Visionify)
It's actually very simple. The bot uses image processing to extract player coordinates from the on-screen minimap. On the regular version, it maintains a tree structure of the platforms, selecting a destination platform based on least-visited-first strategy. On Version 2, it will use A* to construct a path. After that, it's just a matter of using skills at the right intervals.
- GPLv3 Licence (same as original project)
- Commercial uses are prohibited
- T-Boy Train 1
- Deep in the Cavern - Lower Path 1
- Final Edge of Light 4
- Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 1
- End of World 1-4
- End of World 2-4
- B1 Store 2 (141-149)
- 2F Cafe 4 (150-160)
- 5F Cosmetics Shops 4 (161-164)
- First Drill Hall (165-173)
- Corridor H01 (174-176)
- Dingy Brawl 'n' Bash Club 3 (177-185)
- Fox Tree Top Path (186-189)
- Fox Tree Lower Path 3 (190-200)
- Eastern Cave Path 2 (-210)
- kishin any map