A very simple open-source javascript tag for collecting events from a browser to send to a server. (like google analytics, but name/value pairs defined by you)
<!--[if lt IE 8]><script src="/static/shim.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script src="/js/io.js" type="text/javascript" />
<script type="text/javascript">
jstag.init({ cid: 1}).send({myid:1234,category:'books'});
This is better for performance, non-blocking page usage. Use the http://github.com/lytics/jstag/async.js tag as a template and copy/paste (with edits) into a script block on page (do not reference the file or else the value of async is removed).
<script type="text/javascript">
window.jstag=function(e){var t=!1,n=window,r=document,i="/static/io",s=Array.prototype.slice,o=e.url||"";return n.jstag||{load:function(){var e,s=r.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];return t=!0,"JSON"in n&&Array.prototype.forEach||(i+="w"),r.getElementById(i)?this:(e=r.createElement("script"),e.id=i,e.src=o+i+".min.js",s.parentNode.insertBefore(e,s),this)},_q:[],_c:e,bind:function(e){this._q.push([e,s.call(arguments,1)])},ready:function(){this._q.push(["ready",s.call(arguments)])},send:function(){return t||this.load(),this._q.push(["ready","send",s.call(arguments)]),this},ts:(new Date).getTime()}
.send({category:"hello"});// this send is purely optional, it will send as soon as
// the tag is loaded
<a href="#" id="testlink" >test link</a>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
return false;
- cid Collection ID, info is posted to /c/cid allowing
- cookie Name of the Cookie for userid
- stream send data to /c/cid/streamname
Often when using a tag, you have a single Include of tag, and you have different portion's of your site, or different javascript libraries that need to collect different data. In that situation, it is easy to utilize the event libraries.
<script type="text/javascript">
// async js tag include (not shown)
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ads.js">
// lets maybe add information from our ad library
jstag.bind("send.before",function(o) {
o.data["my_id"] = "value"
o.data["category"] = "value2"
The data is formatted to name=value& format that can be used in querystrings, or form submission. There are a couple specific formatting issues:
- nested objects are flattened to period seperated name=value pairs
- arrays are sent as custom format
<script type="text/javascript">
// would be sent as
// user.id=22&user.name=aaron
// would be sent as
// user.id=22&user.group=[admin,api]