This is an application for Emoji meanings. It contains all the emojis and their meanings for better use.
One fine day I was texting with my grand mum, she is relatively new to social media world. She kept using '😂' while we were talking about something sensitive. I realised it and told her what it actually means. This gave me an idea about how many people, especially elders are not fully aware about the emojis and are excited to learn and try it out. This app aims to educate people about what each emoji stands for and also help one to not make a fool out of themselves.
Also, being an iOS developer for long, I feel like I have fallen back on tech. I have often come across the term 'imposter syndrome' and feel it all too real. To get myself out of it, I have decided to work on some personal projects, stating small, for my portfolio 🙂
Tech Stack:-
Firebase for Database via SPM