A simple reverse proxy that focusses purely on OIDC based service authorization. This proxy does not handle the OIDC authentication flows and assumes that the access tokens are already available in the incoming requests. This is often the case if you are running services in a kubernetes cluster where all access to these services is authenticated via a load balancer or API gateway. All finer grained access needs to be authorized at the service level.
The rationale for building this proxy was that for some reason I did not find a flexible enough reverse proxy that could easily authorize access to micro services for different OIDC providers (more specifically AWS Cognito) that use custom claims in their access tokens.
Make sure that the go tools and your go path are set correctly. Building and installing should be as simple as:
# Building from local version
cd cmd/mproxy && go get && go install
# Build directly from github, put binary somewhere in $PATH
go get github.com/kristofmartens/mproxy/cmd/mproxy
go build github.com/kristofmartens/mproxy/cmd/mproxy
There is also a Dockerfile available for running this image in your kubernetes cluster. Using this proxy as a side-car to authorize your services in a kubernetes cluster.
For convenience I also added a helm chart to easily install the reverse proxy with your micro services in kubernetes. For more information about how to use and install helm please go to https://helm.sh/
MProxy requires a config file in yaml format only requiring a small set of parameters. You start the proxy like this:
mproxy --config <config-file>
Here is an example configuration file for use with AWS Cognito:
# Local port where the mproxy will listen on (default 8080)
localPort: 8080
# Location to forward all traffic to (mandatory)
destination: http://localhost:80
# Discovery URL of where to retrieve all OAUTH/OIDC endpoints (mandatory)
discoveryUrl: https://cognito-idp.<region>.amazonaws.com/<cognito-user-pool-id>
# HTTP header that contains the access token (mandatory)
accessTokenHeader: X-Amzn-Oidc-Accesstoken
# Defines the authorization proxy rules (default will allow all authenticated traffic)
# URL pattern to authorise: This rule will allaw all authenticated users that are in the cognito group admin OR user
# access to all paths to the microservice
- pattern: /
# Checks the claims of the access token to verify whether all are valid
# The name of the claim to verify
- claimName: cognito:groups
# Allowed values in the claim, regular expressions are also allowed!
- admin
- user
- regex_group_[a-z|0-9]{3}
# If true, all claims need to be present. Otherwise only one claim is required
requireAllClaims: false
# Liveliness path to check whether service is still up
livelinessPath: /alive
An example values.yaml file for authorizing microservices on kubernetes with AWS Cognito as OIDC provider:
replicaCount: 1
repository: martensk/mproxy
tag: v0.1.0
pullPolicy: Always
destination: http://<service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:<service-port>
discoveryUrl: https://cognito-idp.<region>.amazonaws.com/<<cognito-user-pool-id>>
accessTokenHeader: X-Amzn-Oidc-Accesstoken
- pattern: /
- claimName: cognito:groups
- admin
- user
requireAllClaims: false
enabled: true
annotations: {}
- host: <service-name>.yourdomain.com
- /
tls: []
cpu: 50m
memory: 64Mi
cpu: 50m
memory: 64Mi