.__ .__ ___. .__ .__ ______ |__|__ ___ ____ | |\_ |__ _____ | | | | \____ \| \ \/ // __ \| | | __ \\__ \ | | | | | |_> > |> <\ ___/| |_| \_\ \/ __ \| |_| |__ | __/|__/__/\_ \\___ >____/___ (____ /____/____/ |__| \/ \/ \/ \/
I purchased a cheap light fitting/cover from the Op-Shop for a dollar or two and thought I'd turn it into a bedside lamp. The light fitting is a simple orb, reminiscent of a crystal ball (hence the name pixelball).
(figlet font used above: graffiti)
See the separate diary page.
NOTE: I'm in Australia, so that's my supply perspective.
A light fitting ($2). It's a simple orb, reminiscent of a crystal ball:
ESP8266 (in a ESP-01 module).
- TODO: Picture
Lighting will be provided by a SMD 5050 RGB LED, driven by a WS2811 (or WS2812B these days). I have single modules of this already, having purchased a bag from eBay for maybe $5. They are nice and small and you can get the same thing for $0.11 - $0.12 by cutting up a strip, like one from this eBay seller (60leds/m, non-waterproof, 50cm, white PCB).
Available at GitLab or GitHub .
The schematic is below. It's Fritzing project file ( pixelball.fzz ) was used to generate these images.
- TODO: Software
Not yet.
Not yet.
Not much yet.
Nothing yet.
- v0.0.1
- Nothing yet.
- Design it.
- Make it.
None yet.
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