KISS containers for system services. builds containers with Dockerfile, but distributes as signed tarball.
Downloads, verifies and runs tarballs, then cleans up everything on exit.
run has the exact same security isolation as running the process directly, i.e. none whatsoever. Great for deploying your own system daemons, not so much for running random docker stuff from the internet.
echo from:alpine > Dockerfile
bali build alpine.tar .
sudo bali run -e HELLO="im on a boat" ./alpine.tar -- /bin/busybox sh -c 'echo $HELLO'
all tarballs are signed by default with identitykit check your own id with
bali id
verify a package is built by an id
bali verify alpine.tar.gz cDFJ6F4W6XEXAMPLE
verify before running stuff from the interwebs
bali run -i cDFJ6F4W6XEXAMPLE
bali can fetch tarballs from http/s and sftp (scp)
it does intentionally not provide a way to push
an image
to run a testing sftp server:
docker run -d -p 2222:22 emberstack/sftp
scp -P 2222 alpine.tar.gz demo@localhost:/sftp/alpine.tar.gz
# password is demo
bali run -i $(bali id) scp://demo:demo@localhost:2222/sftp/alpine.tar.gz
install docker-buildx and golang, then:
go build
cp bali /usr/local/bin
you can extract a tarball and just run it with systemd too
systemd-run --wait --pty --collect --service-type=exec -p RootDirectory=$PWD -- busybox httpd -vfp 8080