This can be used to simulate the spreading of a disease or rumor, which can be helpful to analyze these processes.
In our datasets we have three types of people(nodes).
Susceptible - who are prone to the disease. Infected - Who have the disease and can spread it. Recovered - Who either got vaccinated after having the disease or have died.
Susceptibles which are connected to Infected nodes have lambda probability of getting infected if they remain connected for 1 timestamp.
An infected person has a beeta probability of getting recovered in 1 timestamp.
#Description of files
PowerData.csv - It contains the details of edges.
Susceptible.txt - It contains the details that which nodes are susceptible (1 for susceptible 0 for not).
Infected.txt - It contains the details that which nodes are infected(1 for infected 0 for not).
Recovered.txt - It contains the details that which nodes are recovered (1 for recovered 0 for not).
Day3.cpp - It is the main program which takes the data from Powerdata.csv, Susceptible.txt, Infected.txt, Recovered.txt and produces result.txt.
Average.cpp - It takes the result.txt as input, averages the data and generate sResult.dat, iResult.dat, rResult.dat to make it plottable on gnuplot.
sResult.dat - This file is generated to plot the curve between time and no of people susceptible. It contains two columns, timestamp and no of people susceptible.
iResult.dat - This file is generated to plot the curve between time and no of people Infected. It contains two columns, timestamp and no of people Infected.
rResult.dat - This file is generated to plot the curve between time and no of people recovered. It contains two columns, timestamp and no of people recovered.