Applying both Java and Android Pitest Gradle plugins on the same project causes an exception #72
If both info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest:gradle-pitest-plugin:1.5+
and pl.droidsonroids.gradle:gradle-pitest-plugin:0.2.5
are applied respectively on Java and Android projects in a multiproject build, the Java Pitest plugin will fail with the following exception, as the Android Pitest plugin creates a pitest
configuration on the root project buildscript:
Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: The 'pitest' buildscript configuration found in the root project. This is no longer supported in 1.5.0+ and has to be changed to the regular (sub)project configuration. See the project FAQ for migration details.
at info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest.PitestPlugin.failWithMeaningfulErrorMessageOnUnsupportedConfigurationInRootProjectBuildScript(PitestPlugin.groovy:117)
at info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest.PitestPlugin.access$1(PitestPlugin.groovy)
at info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest.PitestPlugin$_apply_closure1$_closure10.doCall(PitestPlugin.groovy:85)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy106.execute(Unknown Source)
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