On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 11:56 PM Springer via Talk TW wrote:
If I try this:
<<fnote """My note must mention <<ref author1999title>>""" >>
macro gets confused, and the wikified result is:<$let output=My note must mention [author1999title>] </li>
Is this a problem that can be solved?
Yes, this is a limitation. The problem is <<fnote
and >>
are used as delimiters here. when you use <<...>>
inside <<fnote ...
then showfnotes get confused.
The solution would be to recursively look for any number of >>
closing delimiter.
For example <<fnote """My note must mention <<ref author1999title>>""" >>
does not work, but
<<fnote """My note must mention <$macrocall $name=ref tid=author1999title>>""" >>
works fine.
To myself:
The output macro can be modified to address this.