These scripts enable reading of emonTH 433MHz - Temperature & Humidity nodes sensor values from Raspberry having RFM69Pi 433Mhz Raspberry Pi Base Station Receiver Board to Zabbix.
The scripts have been tested with Raspbian Jessie and Raspberry Pi 2
- Follow Raspbian Headless setup instructions, including to enable ssh access
- Edit
and removeconsole=serial0,115200
so that Raspberry won't try to read serial port as console input
- Zabbix-agent (
sudo apt-get install zabbix-agent
) - Redis database used as a message queue (
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Copy files under etc to /etc/ in the Raspbian file system
- etc/init.d/emonTH - init.d script reading from ttyAMA0 and writing to message queue
- etc/zabbix/scripts/ - discovery script that reads from the message queue and stores latest values to a file
- etc/zabbix/scripts/ - item reading script that reads latest values from a file
- etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/emonTH.conf - user parameter definitions for Zabbix
After installation, reboot zabbix-agent so that it notices the new user parameters sudo service zabbix-agent restart
The easiest way to get started is to import emonth_measurement.xml to Zabbix Server.
Each discovered node has the following items:
- battery_voltage (in V)
- external_temperature (in Celsius)
- internal_humidity (in Percentages)
- internal_temperature (in Celsius)
- rssi (received signal strength indication, as defined by IEEE 802.11)