CfStation is an OPC UA server and implements a station in a production line for the factory simulation in Connectedfactory. The implementation is used for three different stations: Assembly, Test and Packaging. The operation of the stations is similar. Some parameters to control different behaviour like power consumption, cycle time and pressure can be passed in via command line.
CfStation's OPC UA server defines a set of nodes and methods, which are used by the Manufacturing Exection System of the production line, which can be found here.
By default CfStation listens on endpoint opc.tcp://<localhostname>:51210
For use in the Connectedfactory simulation the hostname, the server port and the path portion of the endpoint can be configured via command line options.
A docker container of CfStation is available here.
The command line usage is:
Usage: CfStation.exe [<options>]
OPC UA Connectedfactory station for the factory simulation
To exit the application, just press ENTER while it is running.
--lf, --logfile=VALUE the filename of the logfile to use.
Default: './Logs/<hostname>.log.txt'
--pn, --portnum=VALUE the server port of the OPC server endpoint.
Default: 51210
--op, --path=VALUE the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server
Default: ''
--sh, --stationhostname=VALUE
the fullqualified hostname of the station.
Default: <hostname>
--ga, --generatealerts the station should generate alerts.
Default: False
--pc, --powerconsumption=VALUE
the stations average power consumption in kW
Default: 150 kW
--ct, --cycletime=VALUE
the stations cycle time in seconds
Default: 7000 sec
--lr, --ldsreginterval=VALUE
the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0,
then the registration is disabled.
Default: 0
--st, --opcstacktracemask=VALUE
the trace mask for the OPC stack. See github OPC .
NET stack for definitions.
Default: 285 (645)
--aa, --autoacceptcerts
all certs are trusted when a connection is
Default: False
--tm, --trustmyself the server certificate is put into the trusted
certificate store automatically.
Default: True
--ap, --appcertstorepath=VALUE
the path where the own application cert should be
Default 'CurrentUser\UA_MachineDefault'
--tp, --trustedcertstorepath=VALUE
the path of the trusted cert store
Default 'CertificateStores/trusted'
--rp, --rejectedcertstorepath=VALUE
the path of the rejected cert store
Default 'CertificateStores/rejected'
--ip, --issuercertstorepath=VALUE
the path of the trusted issuer cert store
Default 'CertificateStores/issuers'
-h, --help show this message and exit