fuel-core Public
Forked from FuelLabs/fuel-coreRust full node implementation of the Fuel v2 protocol.
whistle Public
Forked from coinchimp/whistleWebhook app translating alerts from Tradingview to Discord Webhook
rising-oceans Public
Forked from dgiacco/rising-oceansA fundraising dapp to save the oceans, using blockchain to ensure transparency and universal access. Tech stack: Next.js, Rainbowkit, Wagmi, Ethers.js, Solidity, Hardhat
kspr-wallet-extension Public
Forked from coinchimp/kspr-wallet-extensionKSPR Wallet Chrome Extension
LOL-CTO Public
Forked from yumin-jung/angry-birdsAngry Birds with p5.js and matter.js 🐥
basketball Public
Forked from BonbonLemon/basketballPhaser/Javascript game playable in the browser. Designed to play like Facebook Messenger's basketball game.
Car-Race Public
Forked from KeshavRajuR/Car-RaceA car racing game built using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
Flappy-Bird-AI Public
Forked from imskr/Flappy-Bird-AIArtificial Intelligence based Flappy Bird Game
mario Public
Forked from reruns/marioA javascript clone of Super Mario Bros. for the NES
the-house-game Public
Forked from arturkot/the-house-gameSimple adventure game written in HTML, CSS and JS.
canvas-boilerplate Public
Forked from christopher4lis/canvas-boilerplateAn HTML5 canvas boilerplate with ES6 and live-reloading with BrowserSync.