Rossum 0.5.0 convenience distribution
This is a convenience distribution of rossum, ktransw, ninja and gpp.
Tools included
- rossum v0.5 (Apache 2)
- ktransw v0.5 (Apache 2)
- ninja v1.11.1 (Apache 2)
- yamljson2xml (MIT)
- gpp v2.27 (GNU LESSER)
- Python (see rossum readme)
- ktrans (from RoboGuide, see ktrans readme)
- install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Extract the archive to a suitable location and place the directory containing
, kdictw.cmd
, rossum.cmd
, kpush.cmd
, yamljson2xml.cmd
, gpp.exe
, ninja.exe
on the Windows Environment PATH.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + "path\to\rossum-distrib", "User");
with the actual full path whererossum-distrib
is located.
Make sure Python is installed as well as the dependencies found in requirements.txt by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If necessary, install the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 package
(gpp will not run without it).
Opening a Windows command prompt (cmd) and running rossum
should result in
the rossum usage text being printed.
See the rossum, ktransw, and yamljson2xml readmes.