Background -
AACR Project GENIE collects VCFs of various flavors from consortium members. Currently they use vcf2maf to annotate these files. We desire to move them to the Genome Nexus platform. There we would like to create a script for annotating a set of VCF files using our GN annotation pipeline. Rough outline:
Point tool to folder which contains VCFs of various shapes/size.
Run vcf2vcf over files to normalize them.
Run normalized vcfs through @ao508 vcf2maf converter.
Annotate mafs using genome nexus annotation client.
Combine mafs into single file for import.
Note, for 2:
vcf2vcf is required because there is a need to normalize allele depths which is handled by FixAllelDepths. Ensure the following option is set (should be set by default)
--retain-format GT,AD,DP
These three fields contain the values needed to extract t_depth, t_ref_count, t_alt_count, n_depth, n_ref_count, n_alt_count.