The latest trend is trying to decrease the SDK dependencies of Spring cloud as more as possible, and utilize the non-intrusive services(functions) provided by kubernetes and istio(service mesh). so in this demo, we have the following design considerations:
Istio provides non-intrusive traffic management, security, and observability. In this demo, we use helm to show you some how-tos:
Also, security is the core of any system, in this demo, I will show you 3 options:
We have different architectures for local env and dev/test/prod envs:
In this demo, product-composite, product, review, recommendation are our sample business services, to improve the overall performance, we adopt non-blocking synchronous reactive programming and distributed message -driven asynchronous model.
They are all spring boot based projects, the spring boot version is 2.7.0, spring cloud version is 2021.0.3, resilience4j version is 1.7.1, Java OpenJDK version is 17.0.4
The mongodb(NoSQL), mariadb(DB), rabbit/kafka(MQ), redis(Cache), elastic search(EFK) are all infrastructure services, we can set up them by ourselves, however, most of cloud providers provide cost-effective and high available corresponding services -- cloud native services, they are good choices for us too, especially in prod env.
Kiali, jaeger, prometheus, and grafana are all management service which help us monitor and maintain our micro services.