- Group 13: ThirTeam
- Lecture 1, Tutorial 3
- Project Category: Adventure Game
Title of the game: A Beast's Weapon
This game is a turn-based RPG consisting of multiple levels and a boss level which the player has to defeat all the enemies in order to win the game. The main character has to reach the top of the mountain to achieve their goal which varies depending if the player chooses to be good or evil.
Game battle consists of the player being able to attack enemies, defend against their attacks, or use potions that they will obtain throughout the game.
- Java JDK: 8 or higher
- JavaFX
Download the source code by going to "clone or download" and click "Download ZIP" from the master branch
To run the TextApp version of the game with TextApp Complete:
1) Extract ZIP file to desired location
2) On Eclipse, click on "File" on the taskbar and choose "Open Projects from File System"
3) Choose the extracted folder: TextApp Complete from previous location through as the import source and click finish
4) Alternatively, create a new JAVA project and copy the extracted files: TextApp Complete into the src folder
5) Expand the src folder, expand the "TextApp" folder, and expand the "TextApp" package
6) Launch the "main" class
To run the GUI version of the game with GUI Complete:
1) Extract ZIP file to desired location
2) On Eclipse, click on "File" on the taskbar and choose "Open Projects from File System"
3) Choose the extracted folder:GUI Complete from previous location through as the import source and click finish
4) Alternatively, create a new JAVA project and copy the extracted files: GUI Complete into the src folder
5) Expand the src folder, expand the "GUI" folder, and expand the "application" package
6) Launch the "main" class
Make sure JavaFX modules are imported to run the GUI
To run the GUI or TextApp version of the game with Core, GUICore, and TextAppCore folders:
1) Extract ZIP file to desired location
2) On Eclipse, click on "File" on the taskbar and choose "Open Projects from File System"
3) Choose the extracted folders: Core, GUICore, and TextAppCore from previous location through as the import source and click finish
4) Alternatively, create a new JAVA project and copy the extracted files.Core, GUICore, and TextAppCore, into the src folder
5.1) FOR THE GUI: Expand the src folder, expand the "GUI" folder, and expand the "application" package
5.2) FOR THE TEXTAPP: Expand the src folder, expand the "TextApp" folder, and expand the "TextApp" package
6) Launch the "main" class
Alphabetical order by last name:
- Jose Felicio
- Irish Michaela Mempin
- Dawson Nodwell
- Wasay Siddiqi
- Bonnie Wu