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Page LHandles

Offers support to localise Page titles and Handles.

1 Features

  • Offers support for translating Page handles in current supported languages (from Frontend Localisation).
  • Adds a button in System -> Preferences to automatically fill empty localisation title and handle inputs for Pages.
  • Offers a DS which outputs the current-page handle and title in all supported languages.
  • Provides a utility for easier URL manipulation.
  • Overrides the navigation template Datasources to output the extra information.
  • URL Router compatible. URLs like are possible if Operating mode is set to Relax. See Preferences page.

Old XML for a navigation Datasource:

<page handle="_HandleHere_" id="_IDhere_">

New XML supplies handle and title for the current page according to current-language:

<page handle="_SymphonyHandleHere_" id="_IDhere_">
    <item lang="_CurrentLanguageHere_" handle="_LocalisedHandleHere_">_LocalisedTitleHere_</item>


  • On enabling / installing the extension, any Datasource with source set to 'navigation' will be edited to include the new localised template.
  • On disabling / uninstalling the extension, any Datasource with source set to 'navigation' will be edited to include the original Symphony template.

2 Installation

  1. Upload the 'page_lhandles' folder found in this archive to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.
  2. Enable it by selecting the "Page LHandles" under System -> Extensions, choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.
  3. You can now add localised Titles and Handles to any Symphony Page.

3 Usage

  1. Make sure that Frontend Localisation extension is Enabled. Read it's Readme if you don't know what it represents.
  2. Go to Blueprints -> Pages. Create a new page or edit an existing one.
  3. Fill the available localisation fields. Every Localised URL Handle filled will become accessible from the browser. The empty ones will redirect to 404 (Page Not Found).
  4. Add the "PLH Page" Datasource to your page. Go to ?debug and feel the difference.
  5. To include the utility in your stylesheets copy /utilities/plh-toolkit.xsl to /workspace/utilities and include it in your XSLT stylesheets.

3.1 Example

Take 2 pages and 3 languages: Romanian (RO), English (EN) and French (FR).

No. Parent Sym Title Sym Handle RO Title RO Handle EN Title EN Handle FR Title FR Handle Parameters
  1. | - | Sym Events | sym-events | Evenimente | evenimente | Events | events | Evenements | evenements | -
  2. | sym-events | Sym Single | sym-single | Single | single | Single | single | Single | single | event-single

All these 3 URLs will request "Sym Single" Page:

3.2 More examples regarding plh-toolkit.xsl utility

Recommendation: put the navigation DS output in a variable so you can access it easily:

<xsl:variable name="nav" select="/data/navigation" />

Get the URL of a page with ID = 7:

<xsl:apply-templates select="$nav//page[ @id=7 ]" mode="plh-url" />

Get the Title of a page with ID = 7:

<xsl:value-of select="$nav//page[ @id=7 ]/item" />

If you have URL parameters attached to current URL and want to pass them forward, call template plh-url-parameters :

<xsl:apply-templates select="$nav//page[ @id=7 ]" mode="plh-url" />
<xsl:call-template name="plh-url-parameters" />

Building current-page link in all languages:

In master.xsl, or wherever you want to put the links, call this template:

<xsl:call-template name="plh-site-languages" />

On pages without parameters it works fine out-of-the-box. However, what do you do with pages that have parameters, such as title --> event-title ?
In generating current-page URL in all languages, the plh-page-parameters template is called along the way to populate the URL with localised parameters.
So, on each page that has parameters, overload (define) this template with the contents you need.

Because I'm using Multilingual Text, this is how my template looks like (NB: my page parameter is for Title field) in events_title.xsl:

<xsl:template name="plh-page-parameters">
    <xsl:param name="lang" />
    <xsl:variable name="country_handle" select="concat('handle-',$lang)" />

    <xsl:value-of select="/data/events-datasource-that-outputs-one-event-based-on-page-parameter/entry/title/@*[ name() = $country_handle ]" />


Localised Page Handles for Symphony >= 2.2







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