Offers support to localise Page titles and Handles.
- Offers support for translating Page handles in current supported languages (from Frontend Localisation).
- Adds a button in
System -> Preferences
to automatically fill empty localisationtitle
inputs for Pages. - Offers a DS which outputs the current-page handle and title in all supported languages.
- Overrides the navigation template Datasources to output the extra information.
- URL Router compatible. URLs like
are possible ifOperating mode
is set toRelax
. See Preferences page.
Old XML for a navigation Datasource:
<page handle="_HandleHere_" id="_IDhere_">
New XML supplies handle and title for the current page according to current-language:
<page handle="_SymphonyHandleHere_" id="_IDhere_">
<item lang="_CurrentLanguageHere_" handle="_LocalisedHandleHere_">_LocalisedTitleHere_</item>
- On enabling / installing the extension, any Datasource with source set to 'navigation' will be edited to include the new localised template.
- On disabling / uninstalling the extension, any Datasource with source set to 'navigation' will be edited to include the original Symphony template.
- Upload the 'page_lhandles' folder found in this archive to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.
- Enable it by selecting the "Page LHandles" under System -> Extensions, choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.
- You can now add localised Titles and Handles to any Symphony Page.
- Make sure that Frontend Localisation extension is Enabled. Read it's Readme if you don't know what it represents.
- Go to Blueprints -> Pages. Create a new page or edit an existing one.
- Fill the available localisation fields. Every Localised URL Handle filled will become accessible from the browser. The empty ones will redirect to 404 (Page Not Found).
- Add the "PLH Page" Datasource to your page. Go to
and feel the difference.
Take 2 pages and 3 languages: Romanian (RO), English (EN) and French (FR).
No. | Parent | Sym Title | Sym Handle | RO Title | RO Handle | EN Title | EN Handle | FR Title | FR Handle | Parameters |
- | - | Sym Events | sym-events | Evenimente | evenimente | Events | events | Evenements | evenements | -
- | sym-events | Sym Single | sym-single | Single | single | Single | single | Single | single | event-single
All these 3 URLs will request "Sym Single" Page:
- ---> sym-events/sym-single/primul-titlu
- --------> sym-events/sym-single/first-title
- --> sym-events/sym-single/premier-titre