Download and run the batch file "select_default_GPU.bat".
Follow the instructions and choose your desired GPU.
New bat files will be created. They can be ran directly, or called in other automated procedures.
(Forgive that my system language is Chinese.)
In this example, running select_GL_C.bat failed due to lack of admin privilege.
The generated bat files' name end with the first letter of the GPU description.
The OpenGL batches operate some system registry values, thus Administrator privilege is required.
This OpenGL method requires reboot at first use. Only after that the system will seek ICD in the proposed "fallback" way.
OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack(GLOn12) has higher priority in system opengl32.dll logic, this tweak won't work if that's installed.
Cannot load OpenGL ICD of Intel Processor Graphics in this way.
用这种方法不能加载 Intel 核显的 OpenGL ICD。