This Java application provides a basic implementation of a social network. Users can create accounts, connect with friends, and view their friends list. The application uses an adjacency matrix to track connections between users.
- Create Account: Users can create a new account with a unique ID, name, and a password. The password must meet specific complexity requirements.
- Connect with a Friend: Users can establish a connection with another user by their unique IDs.
- Show Friends List: Users can view a list of their friends, including their names and IDs.
- Java 8 or higher
- Clone the Repository: If you're using Git, you can clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone <repository-url>
- Compile the Code: Navigate to the directory containing the file and compile it using javac.
- Run the Application: Execute the compiled code class using java.
java code
Represents a user with a name, unique ID, password, and a list of friends.
- String name: The name of the person.
- String id: The unique ID of the person.
- String password: The password of the person.
- List friends: A list of IDs representing the person's friends.
Manages the users and their connections.
- List users: List of all users in the network.
- Map<String, Person> idToPersonMap: Maps user IDs to
objects. - boolean[][] adjacencyMatrix: Adjacency matrix representing connections between users.
- createAccount(String name, String password): Creates a new account if the password is valid.
- connectWithFriend(String userId, String friendId): Connects two users if both IDs are valid.
- showFriendsList(String userId): Displays the list of friends for a given user ID.
- generateUniqueId(): Generates a unique ID for new users.
- isValidPassword(String password): Checks if the password meets complexity requirements.
The main method provides a text-based interface allowing users to create accounts, connect with friends, and view their friends list.
After starting the application, you'll be presented with a menu to:
- Create an account
- Connect with a friend
- Show your friends list
- Exit the application
Follow the prompts to interact with the application.
Ensure that your password meets the following criteria:
- Contains at least one uppercase letter
- Contains at least one lowercase letter
- Contains at least one digit
- Contains at least one special character
The adjacency matrix is updated dynamically as users are added and connections are made.