Yeoman Generator for the Kittn Toolkit. Scaffolds and Prepare the Toolkit for you.
IMPORTANT: You need Node >= 7.6
for this generator.
$ npm install -g generator-kittn
You can use now Yarn with Kittn, instead off NPM.
Jump in your Working Directory and type:
yo kittn
The Generator will ask you some questions, at the end it will prepare the Project.
With Webpack you have to use NPM Script Commands
npm run init
Intialize your Project and the Sass Documentation (/sassdocs/)
npm run dev
Main development task with BrowserSync and Webpack
npm run build
Minify JS, Images, CSS. Is for a automated Build Process, comes after a Gulp Init.
npm run scripts
Rebuild all JS Files except the Application JS File
npm run uiimages
Rebuild all Image Files for CSS, copy it to distribution, build Bitmap- and Vector Sprites.
npm run htmlassets
Copy all Imagefiles for Documentusage.
npm run template
Copy all or Generate the Template Files.
npm run favicon
Generate Favicons and the HTML Snippet (generated Files you will find in src/.system/
Autoprefixer and Babel now use the browserslist-variable from the package.json.
If you want to create modules or components, you can use the new file generator. This creates the necessary Sass, JS and Structure Files and assigns them to the respective directories. The Sassfile you then only to the Application.scss connect. In the root folder of your project, you call up the file generator:
yo kittn:module
To make it easier to work with Craft or Wordpress, we have built contentbuilders. You will get the necessary plugins, CSS, JS and the modules to build the site after the installation.
Further steps in the documentation.
- Node >= 8
- Gulp 3.9.1
- Yeoman 2.0.0
- Git CLI
- Wget
- mysql CLI
- David Hellmann (@davidhellmann) - for his Fluidtype Mixin
- Martin Herweg (@martinherweg) - for his Support with the new generator
- Hugo Giraudel (@HugoGiraudel) - for his awesome Sass Scripts
- Team Sass - Jacket
- Sascha Fuchs @gisugosu
- Lars Eichler @cinkon
- Martin Herweg @martinherweg