feedbackit Public
js library to take visual feedback of website
learn-reasonml Public
Interactive playground for learning reasonml
tree-traversal Public
animate tree traversal
skhd Public
Forked from koekeishiya/skhdSimple hotkey daemon for macOS
terraform-aws-vault Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-aws-vaultA Terraform Module for how to run Vault on AWS using Terraform and Packer
bs-monaco-editor Public
reason bindings for monaco editor
vim-airline-themes Public
Forked from vim-airline/vim-airline-themesA collection of themes for vim-airline
advice-app-re Public
Forked from MargaretKrutikova/advice-app-reExample of working with remote data for dev article, https://dev.to/margaretkrutikova/modelling-remote-data-in-reasonreact-4mpf
sentry Public
Forked from getsentry/sentrySentry is cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting.
create-react-app Public
Forked from facebook/create-react-appSet up a modern web app by running one command.
bs-jest Public
Forked from glennsl/rescript-jestBuckleScript bindings for Jest
reasonml.github.io Public
Forked from reasonml/reasonml.github.ioReason's documentation site
revery-playground Public
Forked from revery-ui/revery-playgroundLive, interactive playground for Revery examples
reason-react Public
Forked from reasonml/reason-reactReason bindings for ReactJS
learn-reasonml-workshop Public
Forked from protoship/learn-reasonml-workshopLearn ReasonML with 24 exercises. No prior functional programming knowledge required.
instagram-post Public
Instagram post using react+styled-components+jest+enzyme