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Releases: kipcole9/money

Money version 5.0.2

28 Apr 23:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Update the application supervisor spec to the modern module-based approach

Money version 5.0.1

27 Jan 21:43
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Bug Fixes

  • Make nimble_parsec a required dependency since it is required for parsing money amounts. Thanks to @jonnystoten for the report.

Money version 4.4.3

22 Feb 17:22
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Backports a requirement to ensure that nimble_parsec is a required dependency. Using ex_money version 5.x is preferred.

Bug Fixes

  • Make nimble_parsec a required dependency, not optional. Closes #114. Thanks to @rubynho.

Money version 5.0.0

21 Jan 06:12
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Breaking changes

  • Elixir 1.10 introduces semantic sorting for stucts that depends on the availability of a compare/2 function that returns :lt, :eq or :gt. Therefore in this release of ex_money the functions compare/2 and compare!/2 are swapped with cmp/2 and cmp!/2 in order to conform with this expectation. Now compare/2 will return :eq, :lt or :gt. And cmp/2 return -1, 0 or 1.

  • Deprecate Money.reduce/1 in favour of Money.normalize/1 to be consistent with Decimal versions 1.9 and later.

It is believed and tested that Money version 5.0.0 is compatible with all versions of Decimal from 1.6 up to the as-yet-unreleased 2.0.

Support of Elixir 1.10 Enum sorting

From Elixir verison 1.10.0, several functions in the Enum module can use the function to simplify sorting. For example:

iex> list = [, 100),, 200)]
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, Money
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, {:asc, Money}
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, {:desc, Money}
[#Money<:USD, 200>, #Money<:USD, 100>]

Note that Enum.sort/2 will sort money amounts even when the currencies are incompatible. In this case the order of the result is not predictable. It is the developers responsibility to filter the list to compatible currencies prior to sorting. This is a limitation of the Enum.sort/2 implementation.

Notes on Decimal version support

  • ex_money version 5.0.0 is compatible with Decimal versions from 1.6 onwards. In Decimal version 2.0 the same changes to compare/2 and cmp/2 will occur and in Decimal version 1.9, Decimal.cmp/2 is deprecated. ex_money version 5.0.0 detects these different versions of Decimal and therefore remains compatability with Decimal back to version 1.6.

Money version 4.4.2

02 Jan 09:06
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Bug Fixes

  • Remove calls to Code.ensure_compiled?/1 since it is deprecated in Elixir 1.10. Use instead Cldr.Config.ensure_compiled?/1 which is added as a private API in Cldr version 2.12.0. This version of Cldr now becomes the minimum version required.

  • Remove spurious entries in .dialyzer_ignore_warnings - no entries are required and dialyzer is happy.

Money version 4.4.1

11 Nov 01:46
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes money parsing error. Thanks to @Doerge. Closes #112.

Money version 4.4.0

08 Nov 06:53
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Breaking Change

  • Money.parse/2 until this release supported the :currency_filter option. It allowed for currencies to be filtered based upon their attributes (:all, :current, :historic, :tender, :annotated). When multiple attributes were passed in a list, a currency had to meet all of these attributes. From this release onwards, multiple attributes items are ored, not anded. It is expected this option is used extremely rarely and therefore of limited impact.


  • Money.parse/2 now includes the option :default_currency which allows for parsing a number only (without a currency code) and it will be tagged with the :default_currency.
  iex> Money.parse("100")
    "A currency code, symbol or description must be specified but was not found in \"100\""}}
  iex> Money.parse("100", default_currency: :USD)
  #Money<:USD, 100>
  • Add :only and :except options to Money.parse/2 to specify which currency codes or currency attributes are permitted. :only and :except replace the option :currency_filter which is now deprecated. If provided, :currency_filter is interpreted as :only. An example:
  iex> Money.parse("100 usd", only: :current, except: :USD)
    "The currency \"usd\" is unknown or not supported"}}
  • Money.parse/2 now supports negative money amounts.
  iex> Money.parse("chf -100")
  #Money<:CHF, -100>

  iex> Money.parse("(chf 100)")
  #Money<:CHF, -100>

Money version 4.3.0

08 Sep 16:24
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  • Adds a Money backend in the same spirit as other libraries that leverge ex_cldr. Thanks to @LostKobrakai. Closes #108. All of the functions in the Money module may also be called on a backend module <backend> without having to specify a backend module since this is implicit.

Bug Fixes

  •!/3 replaces!/2 to accept options. Thanks to @LostKobrakai. Closes #109.

Money version 4.2.2

06 Sep 21:51
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Bug Fixes

  • Use Keyword.get_lazy when the default is Cldr.default_backend/0 to avoid exceptions when no default backend is configured. Thanks to @LostKobrakai.

Money version 4.2.1

02 Sep 08:06
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes parsing of money amount that have a single digit amount. Closes #107. Thanks to @njwest