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Releases: kipcole9/money

Money version 5.12.1

26 Aug 22:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Removes compile-time warnings for Elixir 1.14 (use Application.compile_env/2, not Application.get_env/2)

Money version 5.12.0

08 Jun 00:24
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  • Add Money.localize/2 to convert a money amount into the currency in affect for the given locale.

Money version 5.11.0

13 May 21:19
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  • Adds support for ISO 24165 Digital Tokens (crypto currency). Digital Token-based money behaves the same as currency-based money with the following exceptions due to limited data availability:

    • Digital token names are not localized (there is no localised data available in CLDR)
    • Digital token names are not pluralized (also because there is no localised data available)
    • Digital token amounts are never rounded (there is no data available to standardise on rounding rules or the number of fractional digits to round to)

Money version 5.10.0

05 Apr 20:40
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Money version 5.9.0

20 Feb 23:38
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  • Updates to ex_cldr version 2.26.0 and ex_cldr_numbers version 2.25.0 which use atoms for locale names and rbnf locale names. This is consistent with other elements of t:Cldr.LanguageTag where atoms are used when the cardinality of the data is fixed and relatively small and strings where the data is free format.

  • Adjusts the output of Money.inspect/2 to be executable code. Instead of #Money<:USD, 100> the output will be, "100"). This improved developer experience by allowing for copy/paste of inspect/2 results into iex. It is also in line with similar changes being made in Elixir, Decimal and others.

  • Add documentation for :currency_symbol option for Money.to_string/2. Although its an option that is passed through to Cldr.Number.to_string/3, its very relevant to t:Money formatting.

Money version 5.7.4

22 Dec 20:09
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix Money.to_integer_exp/1 when t:Money has a negative amount. Thanks to @hamptokr for the report and the PR.

Money version 5.7.3

18 Dec 22:38
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes retrieving exchange rates on OTP releases before OTP 22. Thanks to @fbettag for the report, collaboration and patience.

Money version 5.7.2

16 Dec 21:01
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix spec for Money.from_integer/3. Thanks to @jdewar for the report.


  • Support a :fractional_digits option for Money.from_integer/3 and improve the documentation.

Money version 5.7.1

08 Dec 08:11
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix dialyzer warnings on Elixir 1.12 and 1.13

  • Replace use Mix.Config with import Config in configuration files since the former is deprecated.

Money version 5.7.0

29 Oct 01:56
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Note this release requires at least Elixir 1.10



  • Don't call deprecated Cldr.Config.get_locale/2, use Cldr.Locale.Loader.get_locale/2 instead.