An image for compiling the L2jMobius source code without installing JDK, ANT, development environments.
Compilation takes place on a Debian Linux system. ANT and JDK 17 will be automatically installed. The source code repository is automatically downloaded.
You use compilation arguments to specify which assembly you want to compile. By mounting a local folder into a container, you get a ready-made compiled archive at the output.
Compilation run:
docker run -d -v {local/path}:/home/ mindevis/dcr-l2jmobius L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive
This example compiles in the background.
Windows: docker run -d -v D:\compile:/home/ mindevis/dcr-l2jmobius L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive
Linux: docker run -d -v /home/compile:/home/ mindevis/dcr-l2jmobius L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive
This example compiles interactively. You can see the entire compilation step.
Windows: docker run -it -v D:\compile:/home/ mindevis/dcr-l2jmobius L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive
Linux: docker run -it -v /home/compile:/home/ mindevis/dcr-l2jmobius L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive
Compilation arguments
Important!!!! Only one argument can be used for compilation !!!!
L2J_Mobius_1.0_Ertheia | L2J_Mobius_2.5_Underground | L2J_Mobius_3.0_Helios |
L2J_Mobius_4.0_GrandCrusade | L2J_Mobius_5.0_Salvation | L2J_Mobius_5.5_EtinasFate |
L2J_Mobius_6.0_Fafurion | L2J_Mobius_7.0_PreludeOfWar | L2J_Mobius_8.0_Homunculus |
L2J_Mobius_C1_HarbingersOfWar | L2J_Mobius_C4_ScionsOfDestiny | L2J_Mobius_C6_Interlude |
L2J_Mobius_CT_2.4_Epilogue | L2J_Mobius_CT_2.6_HighFive | L2J_Mobius_Classic_2.0_Saviors |
L2J_Mobius_Classic_2.1_Zaken | L2J_Mobius_Classic_2.2_Antharas | L2J_Mobius_Classic_2.3_SevenSigns |
L2J_Mobius_Classic_2.4_SecretOfEmpire | L2J_Mobius_Classic_3.0_TheKamael | L2J_Mobius_Classic_Interlude |
L2J_Mobius_Essence_4.0_DwellingOfSpirits |
-v {local/path}:/home/
The path to the folder on the local machine, not in the container!!!!!
In the Docker settings for Windows, you should have a shared folder for the container.
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