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Add unefficient mosaic assembly code
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killthekitten committed Mar 8, 2018
1 parent 404dad0 commit 2e037cc
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cv2
import os
from glob import glob
from scipy.misc import imsave
from tqdm import tqdm

TRAIN_DIR = "stage1_train"
TEST_DIR = "stage1_test"
TRAIN_MOSAICS_DIR = os.path.join(TRAIN_DIR, "mosaics")
TEST_MOSAICS_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "mosaics")

def combine_images(img_ids, source_dir):
Loads 4 images and combines a mosaic img usin them as follows:
2 3
0 1
images = [cv2.imread(os.path.join(source_dir, img_id, "images", img_id + ".png")) for img_id in img_ids]
down = np.hstack([images[0], images[1]])
up = np.hstack([images[2], images[3]])
full = np.vstack([up,down])

return full

def load_masks(img_id, source_dir):
Loads all masks related to the `img_id` image and stacks them into a single numpy array.
mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(source_dir, img_id, "masks", "**.png"))
masks = [cv2.imread(mask_path, 0) for mask_path in mask_paths]
masks = np.stack(masks, axis=-1)
masks = np.where(masks > 128, 1, 0)

return masks

def map_layers_left_to_right(mask, center, left_half_idx, right_half_idx):
Selects two adjacent 1-pixel stripes on the edges of left and right halves, then calculates
how many pixels touch each other for each layer pair. Returns a map of scores.
result = np.zeros((left_half_idx.shape[0], right_half_idx.shape[0]))

for left_i, left_id in enumerate(left_half_idx):
for right_i, right_id in enumerate(right_half_idx):
result[left_i, right_i] = \
mask[:, center - 1, left_id],
mask[:, center, right_id]).sum()

return result

def map_layers_top_to_bottom(mask, center, top_half_idx, bottom_half_idx):
Same as `map_layers_left_to_right`, but top to bottom.
result = np.zeros((top_half_idx.shape[0], bottom_half_idx.shape[0]))

for top_i, top_id in enumerate(top_half_idx):
for bottom_i, bottom_id in enumerate(bottom_half_idx):
result[top_i, bottom_i] = \
mask[center - 1, :, top_id],
mask[center, :, bottom_id]).sum()

return result

def merge_layers(mask, intersection_map, survivor_half_idx, merged_half_idx):
Merges `merged_half_idx` channels of the mask into `survivor_half_idx`. If no intersection
was found between layers, layers are kept.
merged_idx = []

for i in range(survivor_half_idx.shape[0]):
if intersection_map[i].max() == 0:

survivor_id = survivor_half_idx[i]
merged_id = merged_half_idx[intersection_map[i].argmax()]

mask[:, :, survivor_id] = np.logical_or(mask[:, :, survivor_id], mask[:, :, merged_id])

return np.delete(mask, merged_idx, axis=-1), len(merged_idx)

def merge_layers_on_edges(mask):
First merges layers left halves to right halves, then top to bottom.

lr_center = int(mask.shape[1] / 2)
left_half_idx = np.argwhere(mask[:, lr_center - 1, :].sum(axis=0) > 0).flatten()
right_half_idx = np.argwhere(mask[:, lr_center, :].sum(axis=0) > 0).flatten()
lr_map = map_layers_left_to_right(mask, lr_center, left_half_idx, right_half_idx)
mask, deleted_layers_count_ltr = merge_layers(mask, lr_map, left_half_idx, right_half_idx)

tb_center = int(mask.shape[0] / 2)
top_half_idx = np.argwhere(mask[tb_center - 1, :, :].sum(axis=0) > 0).flatten()
bottom_half_idx = np.argwhere(mask[tb_center, :, :].sum(axis=0) > 0).flatten()
tb_map = map_layers_top_to_bottom(mask, tb_center, top_half_idx, bottom_half_idx)
mask, deleted_layers_count_ttb = merge_layers(mask, tb_map, top_half_idx, bottom_half_idx)

return mask, deleted_layers_count_ltr + deleted_layers_count_ttb

def combine_masks(img_ids, source_dir):
Loads 4 masks and combines a mosaic img usin them as follows (_terribly slow_):
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0 1
masks = [load_masks(img_id, source_dir) for img_id in img_ids]
w = masks[0].shape[1] + masks[1].shape[1]
channels = sum([mask.shape[-1] for mask in masks])

return np.dstack([
np.zeros((masks[0].shape[0], w, masks[0].shape[-1])),
np.hstack([masks[0], np.zeros(masks[0].shape)])
np.zeros((masks[1].shape[0], w, masks[1].shape[-1])),
np.hstack([np.zeros(masks[1].shape), masks[1]])
np.hstack([masks[2], np.zeros(masks[2].shape)]),
np.zeros((masks[2].shape[0], w, masks[2].shape[-1]))
np.hstack([np.zeros(masks[3].shape), masks[3]]),
np.zeros((masks[3].shape[0], w, masks[3].shape[-1]))

def extract_mosaic_ids_from_df(df):
Regroups Emil's df in a way to be used with `combine_masks` and `combine_images` (watch the order!)
mosaics = \
df[~df.mosaic_position.isnull()] \
.sort_values(["mosaic_idx", "mosaic_position"]) \
.groupby("mosaic_idx") \
.agg({ "img_id": lambda x: list(x) })
non_mosaics = df[df.mosaic_position.isnull()]

return mosaics, non_mosaics

if __name__ == "__main__":
if not os.path.exists(TRAIN_MOSAICS_DIR):

if not os.path.exists(TEST_MOSAICS_DIR):

train_df = pd.read_csv("share_train_df.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv('share_test_df.csv')

mosaics, non_mosaics = extract_mosaic_ids_from_df(train_df)
test_mosaics, test_non_mosaics = extract_mosaic_ids_from_df(test_df)

print("Generating train mosaics:")
for i, row in tqdm(mosaics.iterrows()):
mosaic = combine_images(row["img_id"], TRAIN_DIR)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(TRAIN_MOSAICS_DIR, str(i) + ".png"), mosaic)
mask_mosaic = combine_masks(row["img_id"], TRAIN_DIR)
mask_mosaic, deleted_layers_count = merge_layers_on_edges(mask_mosaic), str(i) + ".npy"), mask_mosaic.astype(bool))

print("Copying non-mosaic train images to the same place:")
for i, row in tqdm(non_mosaics.iterrows()):
non_mosaic = cv2.imread(os.path.join(TRAIN_DIR, row["img_id"], "images", row["img_id"] + ".png"))
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(TRAIN_MOSAICS_DIR, str(row["mosaic_idx"]) + ".png"), non_mosaic)

print("Generating test mosaics:")
for i, row in tqdm(test_mosaics.iterrows()):
mosaic = combine_images(row["img_id"], TEST_DIR)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(TEST_MOSAICS_DIR, str(i) + ".png"), mosaic)

print("Copying non-mosaic test images to the same place:")
for i, row in tqdm(test_non_mosaics.iterrows()):
non_mosaic = cv2.imread(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, row["img_id"], "images", row["img_id"] + ".png"))
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(TEST_MOSAICS_DIR, str(row["mosaic_idx"]) + ".png"), non_mosaic)

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