Ledger support will allow users to add an account using a Ledger. The private keys will be stored on the Ledger.
Acceptance criteria
Scenario 1: User uses Ledger account on first use
GIVEN a User has freshly installed Kibisis
AND a User chooses to "Import a Ledger Account"
WHEN the User connects their Ledger
AND the User selects the account from the Ledger list
THEN the account is added to Kibisis
Scenario 2: User imports Ledger account
GIVEN a User presses "Add Account"
AND a User chooses to "Import a Ledger Account"
WHEN the User connects their Ledger
AND the User selects the account from the Ledger list
THEN the account is added to Kibisis
- Ledger accounts will be added to the add account options.
- If it is the first time using Kibisis, and the User uses Ledger as the first account, they will not need a password, as the private keys will be stored on the Ledger.
- The BIP-32 path will also need to be stored in order to correctly request the account in future
- Tutorial on how to connect to Ledger
- Ledger Transport API package
- Ledger package to interact with Algorand apps
- Browser support - will only work with Chrome, perform check and show error message if browser is unsupported
- Check if the extension has access to WebUSB from the popup. If not, use content scripts.
🔖 Ready