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Tags: khoih-prog/STM32_Slow_PWM
v1.2.3 to fix `DutyCycle` bug, etc. ### Releases v1.2.3 1. Fix `DutyCycle` bug. Check [float precisison of DutyCycle only sometimes working #3](khoih-prog/SAMD_Slow_PWM#3) 2. Fix `New Period` display bug. Check [random dropouts #4](khoih-prog/SAMD_Slow_PWM#4) 3. Update examples
v1.2.0 to fix `multiple-definitions` linker error ### Releases v1.2.0 1. Fix `multiple-definitions` linker error. Drop `src_cpp` and `src_h` directories 2. Add example [multiFileProject](examples/multiFileProject) to demo for multiple-file project 3. Improve accuracy by using `double`, instead of `uint32_t` for `dutycycle`, `period` 4. Optimize library code by using `reference-passing` instead of `value-passing` 5. Fix reattachInterrupt() bug. Check [bugfix: reattachInterrupt() pass wrong frequency value to setFrequency() #19](khoih-prog/ESP8266TimerInterrupt#19) 6. Update examples accordingly
v1.0.0 for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 Slow PWM ### Initial Releases v1.0.0 1. Initial coding to support **STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards** such as NUCLEO_H743ZI2, NUCLEO_L552ZE_Q, NUCLEO_F767ZI, BLUEPILL_F103CB, etc., using [`Arduino Core for STM32`]( 2. The hybrid ISR-based PWM channels can generate from very low (much less than 1Hz) to highest PWM frequencies up to 1000Hz with acceptable accuracy.