This is the related source code for the RTAS'18 paper:
"Shared-Resource-Centric Limited Preemptive Scheduling: A Comprehensive Study of Suspension-base Partitioning Approaches", Zheng Dong, Cong Liu, Soroush Bateni, Kuan-Hsun Chen, Jian-Jia Chen, Georg von der Brüggen and Junjie Shi.
We used the Gurobi library,, to implement the proposed ILPs.
You may need a license to use the library.
Python version is 2.7 is for the assumption that one task requires only one resource:
"Usage: python [debug] [# of sets] [generate/load] [stype] [btype]"
The details of each parameter are as follows:
debug, it is used to put some ad-hoc code for debugging.
# of sets, it is the amount of tasksets you want to test in the simulation.
generate/load, 0 generates the npy file which contains the generated task sets; 1 directly read the generated task sets.
stype, the length of suspension: S, M, and L. Please refer to for more details.
btype, N for preemptive scehduling: [S, M, L] for limited preemptive scheduling.
For example, if you want to test 100 task sets with "short resource access" for limited-preemptive [S,M,L] or preemptive scheudling [N]:
Step 1 - generate task sets:
python 0 100 0 S [N,S,M,L]
Step 2 - read task sets:
python 0 100 1 S [N,S,M,L]
For different kind of tests, the implementations are modularized in different files separately:
Trinty ILP test:
TDA test:
Combo ILP test:
Constant Time Test:
Optimization algorithm is in is without the assumption of resource constraints.
All the used modules for this simulation are with prefix "M"
In printer folder, has the completed toolbox to generate the readable figures.
The core in the toolbox is "wayofMean()":
It uses the given way of mean, e.g., np.mean or gmean to generate the results with all the other parameters. Now the default is the geometric mean.
"Usage: python [representative/ILP/TDA/CT]"
The input should be given as the string: "REP", "ILP", "TDA", "CT"
The file inputs should be placed in the corresponding folder, which can be found in the source code.