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This is the polar equivalent of the CIAO dmnautilus tool.

It works by subdividing the image into 4 pie-shaped wedges and checking if the SNR in each wedge meets the threshold criteria. If so, then each wedge is divided in 4 (radii by 2, angle divided by 2) and the process is repeated.

By default, the wedges are circular: pie shapes. Users can also use elliptical wedges, epanda , or box wedges, bpanda. There is also a box mode which emulates the behavior of the original dmnautilus tool.

Where does *panda come from?

panda is from SAOImage ds9. It means: pie and annulus.

Installation Instructions

Users must have CIAO installed and have sourced the appropriate ciao setup script for their environment (eg bash|tcsh and conda|ciao-install). Users do not need to have the ciao source code installed.

For internal CXC users, they can use the Makefile.cxc for example in their views. Make sure that you have built src/da/analysis/dmtools/dmimgio first.

cd /tmp
git clone
cd dmradar

mkdir -p .../src/da/analysis/dmtools/dmradar
cp src/* .../src/da/analysis/dmtools/dmradar
cd .../src/da/analysis/dmtools/dmradar
cp Makefile.cxc Makefile
make install

The test script, inputs, and save data are in the dmradar/test directory.

For external users, this tool uses the dmimgio local library. This library needs to be built into your CIAO installation

git clone
cd dmimgio
./configure --prefix=$ASCDS_INSTALL
make install

If you get an error about aclocal then you may need to run


before running configure. You will need to have the standard set of autconfig tools installed.

Then you can install dmradar in the same way

git clone
cd dmradar
./configure --prefix=$ASCDS_INSTALL
make check
make install

If building into a conda environment you may need to create a fake readline.pc file

cat <<EOM > $ASCDS_INSTALL/lib/pkgconfig/readline.pc
Name: readline
Description: hack hack hack hack hack. do not use!
Version: 7.0

to satisfy the package-config requirements.


pie (default)

The shape=pie is the default output shape.


punlearn dmradar
dmradar \
  infile=img.fits \
  outfile=dmradar/pie4.abin \
  snr=10 \
  xcen=$xcenter ycen=$ycenter\
  method=4 \
  shape=pie \
  rinner=$inner_radius router=1025 \
  outmask=dmradar/ \
  mode=h clob+

dmradar output

This figure shows the output from dmradar. (Left) The adaptively binned counts image. With method=4 all 4 pie-slices must meet the snr=10 threshold (so all will have at least 100 counts). (Right) The output map (outmaskfile) file showing which pixels are grouped together.

The outmaskfile contains a REGION block containing pie shapes which are displayed automatically by ds9.


dmradar \
  infile=img.fits \
  outfile=dmradar/${shape}4.abin \
  snr=10 \
  xcen=$xcenter ycen=$ycenter\
  method=4 \
  shape=${shape} \
  rinner=$inner_radius router=1020 rotang=30\
  outmask=dmradar/${shape} \
  minrad=10 minangl=15 ell=0.7 \
  mode=h clob+
shape image
pie dmradar epanda output
epanda dmradar epanda output
bpanda dmradar epanda output
box dmradar epanda output

The bpanda and box used a different starting angle astart=10 which gives them their rotation.

For epanda and bpanda, the output REGION extension contains regions in the form of

shape_outer * !shape_inner * sector

Three individual shapes, logically ANDed together, to describe each wedge.

Note: ds9 does not recognize sector shapes and skips them. Users will not see radial lines differentiating the different wedges. The above image was created by taking the map file and computing the magnitude of the image gradient. The gradient is 0 inside the wedge, and non-zero when transitioning between wedges. This is then used as a mask when displaying in ds9

Run-time Performance

epanda and bpanda are MUCH slower than pie and box. pie and box may only take seconds to run on the same image that epanda and bpanda take several minutes to complete.

Description of the Algorithm

ds9 animation

if shape==pie:
   region = pie(xcenter,ycenter,inner,outer,start,stop)
elif shape == epanda
   region = ellipse(xcenter,ycenter,outer,outer*ellipticity)*
elif shape == bpanda
   region = box(xcenter,ycenter,outer,outer*ellipticity)*
else shape == box
   region = box(x,y,xlen,ylen,start)

Read the infile 2D image.

For shape != box:
    draw a region at xcenter,ycenter,inner=0,outer=rstart, rotang=rotang, 
        start=astart, stop=arange.  
    All pixels in that region are added the first group, id=1

Draw a region at xcenter, ycenter, inner=rstart, outer=router, 
    rotang=rotang, start=astart, stop=arange+astart.

Divide that region into 4 quadrants:

    let dr_2 = (rstop-rstart)/2.0
    let da_2 = arange/2.0

    Q1: inner=rstart outer=rstart+dr_2 start=astart stop=astart+da_2
    Q2: inner=rstart+dr_2 outer=rstop start=astart stop=astart+da_2
    Q3: inner=rstart outer=rstart+dr_2 start=astart+da_2 stop=arange+astart
    Q4: inner=rstart+dr_2 outer=rstop start=astart+da_2 stop=arange+astart

    For shape == box:
      The center of the box is (x,y) is shifted to the center
      of the quadrant, eg
      Q1: x = rstart+(dr_2)/2    y = astart + (da_2)
      Q2: x = rstart+3*(dr_2)/2  y = astart + (da_2)
      Q1: x = rstart+(dr_2)/2    y = astart + 3*(da_2)/2
      Q2: x = rstart+3*(dr_2)/2  y = astart + 3*(da_2)/2

Compute the SNR in Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

  If inerrfile is none or blank:
     # The Gaussian approximation: snr=N/sqrt(N)=sqrt(N)

     where p_q are the infile pixel values inside the quadrant Q region.
     NULL values, NaN/Inf values, and pixels outside the image subspace
     do not contribute to the sum.

     SNR = SUM(p_q)/sqrt(SUM(e_q^2))
     where e_q are the pixel values from the input error image in the 
     quadrant Q region.  In other words, the error term is computed
     by adding the individual pixel error terms in quadrature. 

If method == 0:

   If the SNR is for all of the quadrants is BELOW the SNR threshold
   then the current region is grouped.  Otherwise the current
   region is grouped.

elif method == 1:

   If the SNR for any one Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 is ABOVE the threshold,
   then the algorithm will proceed separately with Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4.
   Otherwise the current region is grouped.

elif method == 2

   If the SNR for any two quadrants which share a common side are
   above the SNR threshold, then the algorithm will proceed with 
   each quadrant separately. Quadrants that only touch at the corner
   (ie diagonally) do not qualify. 

elif method == 3:

  If the SNR for any 3 quadrants are ABOVE the threshold, then 
  the individual quadrants are processed.
else method == 4:

  If the SNR for all 4 quadrants are ABOVE the threshold, then
  the individual quadrants are processed.
The process continues until 

. The number of quadrants above|below threshold no longer satisfies the
  condition for the method setting.
. Or the radius, dr_2, becomes smaller than the minimum allowed value, minradius parameter.
. Or the angle, da_2, becomes smaller than the minimum allowed value, minangle parameter.

If a quadrant contains only NULL, NaN, Inf, or pixels outside the
data subspace, then the quadrant is treated as if if meets the 
acceptance criteria to allow further splitting appropriate for the method.
No special consideration for quadrants with only some Null/NaN/out-of-
subspace pixels.

When pixels in a quadrant are grouped

. The output image arrays for all the pixels in that region are 
assigned the SUM(p_q)/AREA(p_q), ie the sum of all the pixels
in the region averaged out over the area of the region.
. The output mask array for all the pixels in that region are assigned 
the same mask ID -- a unique integer number starting from 2. ('1' is used for 
the first region described above).
. The output snr array for all the pixels in that region are assigned 
the SNR value computed for that region.
. The output area array for all the pixel in that region are assigned the
area, defined as the number of pixels, in that region.


polar version of quad-tree adaptive binning






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