This is a collection of CIAO notebooks that I've written.
These are not offical products of the CXC, Chandra, or any of the other various affiliations you might want to consider. All opinions are my own.
Use at your own risk. Most won't work with current version of CIAO without modifications, but should give you some ideas about what is possible.
(now part of the CIAO documentation). Discusses how spacecraft dither limits subpixel resolution.E_Model_Example.ipynb
and example of a reconstruction using myemodel
shows how to manipulate WCS and reproject datasets to simulate expansion of an extended source.FAP_Example.ipynb
uses Frank Primini's next generation aperature photometryFuture_Arf_6676.ipynb
shows how to modifyardlib
parameters to generate an ARF for a future observation (off axis in this case).PSF_Contamination.ipynb
shows how to identify and begin to quantify amount of PSF contamination in radial profile bins.PrettyPictureProcessingSteps.ipynb
creating fluxed tricolor imagesSourceInChipGap.ipynb
(now part of the CIAO docs), analysis of a source in chip gapWhyEarlyData.ipynb
presents an argument for processing early databias_repair_bad_idea.ipynb
many interesting analysis techniques are shown to understand why pixels were not longer considered bad after bias "repair"dmimgadapt_expmap_separately.ipynb
why you should not smooth fluxed images (smooth counts and exposure separately)reproject_aspect_and_merge.ipynb
an example of reproject_aspect to improve alignment between observations.Deblend Experiment.ipynb
shows how to randomly assign individual events from overlapping sources to a specific source.commanded_dither_parameters.ipynb
how to estimate dither parameters from Chandra engineering data.