Test the capabilities of your R2RML engine with the R2RML test cases. Use the resources provided in this repository to automatically generate an EARL report with your results. Go to the R2RML implementation report repository to see how to include the generated report.
- This repository does NOT include any engine report
- The support resources provided here can be: forked, downloaded or cloned but no PR with the report is needed. A recommendation to maintain up-to-date the resources of this repository is to add a submodule directly to your github repo.
- Read carefully the documentation provided, and open an issue if you have any question or doubt.
- Linux based OS
- Docker and docker-compose
- Python
- Java
- MySQL v8.0 (
port = 3306
) - PostgreSQL v13.4 (
port = 5432
Connection properties for any RDBMS are: database = r2rml, user = r2rml, password = r2rml
For testing purposes, mapping path is invariable, it is always ./r2rml.ttl
and the base IRI of the output is http://example.com/base/
- Create a submodule (recommended) or fork/clone/download this repository.
- Include a way to run your engine with the resources of this folder.
- Install the requirements of the script
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Modify the config.ini file with your information. For the correspoding configurating of your R2RML engine, remember that the path of the mapping file is always ./r2rml.ttl. For example:
tester_name: David Chaves # tester name
tester_url: https://dchaves.oeg-upm.net/ # tester homepage
tester_contact: dchaves@fi.upm.es # tester contact
test_date: 2021-01-07 # engine test-date (YYYY-MM-DD)
engine_version: 3.12.5 # engine version
engine_name: Morph-RDB # engine name
engine_created: 2013-12-01 # engine date created (YYYY-MM-DD)
engine_url: https://morph.oeg.fi.upm.es/tool/morph-rdb # URL of the engine (e.g., GitHub repo)
database_system: [mysql|postgresql] # choose only one
output_results: ./output.ttl # path to the result graph of your engine
output_format: ntriples # output format of the results from your engine
engine_command: java -jar morph-rdb.jar -p properties.properties # command to run your engine
- Run the script
python3 test.py config.ini
- Your results will appear in
in RDF and inresults.csv
in CSV. - Upload or update the obtained results the access point you have provided in the configuration step.
- For each new version of your engine, repeat the process from step 4 to 7.
Overview of the testing steps:
- The MySQL Docker container stores timestamps as UTC. Values that are retrieved from the database may therefore not correspond with the time zone of the host. If you notice that a test fails because the times are off, try appending
, whereXXX
corresponds with your IANA Time Zone Database entry (e.g.,Europe/Brussels
), to the JDBC connection URL.