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✨ 2nd June 2021

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@bladey bladey released this 02 Jun 05:44

What's New

We have a new JSON field ✨, a bunch of new learning resources, and plenty of under the hood optimisations in this big release. 💪

JSON Field 👩🏻‍💻

Thanks to the new json field, you can now represent JSON blobs in your backend. Check out the JSON example project to learn more.

Package: list({
  fields: {
    pkgjson: json({ isRequired: true }),
    isPrivate: checkbox(),
    ownedBy: relationship({ ref: 'Person.packages', many: false }),

More Learning Resources 🧑‍🏫

In addition to the JSON one above, we added new examples for:

We also published a tutorial that shows you how to embed Keystone and SQLite in a Next.js app. The end result is an app with a queryable GraphQL endpoint based on your Keystone schema that you can run live on Vercel – for free! 🚀

sortBy deprecated with improvements to orderBy 🤹‍♂️

We deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter and updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

orderBy: String

The new API gives it the argument:

orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


input UserOrderByInput {
  id: OrderDirection
  name: OrderDirection
  score: OrderDirection

enum OrderDirection {

Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]).

Note: each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

withItemData replaced with sessionData 🔧

We removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';

const { withAuth } = createAuth({
  listKey: 'User',
  identityField: 'email',
  secretField: 'password',

const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });

export default withAuth(
    lists: createSchema({

        fields: {
          email: text({ isUnique: true }),
          password: password(),
          isAdmin: checkbox(),
      session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed. 🧹

import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';

const { withAuth } = createAuth({
  listKey: 'User',
  identityField: 'email',
  secretField: 'password',
  sessionData: 'id isAdmin',

const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });

export default withAuth(
    lists: createSchema({

        fields: {
          email: text({ isUnique: true }),
          password: password(),
          isAdmin: checkbox(),

More consistent and predictable createItems, updateItems, and deleteItems mutations 🧘‍♀️

We fixed the behaviour of createItems, updateItems, and deleteItems mutations to be consistent and predictable.

Previously, these mutations could return items in an arbitrary order. They now return items in the same order they were provided to the mutation.

Previously, if there was an error (e.g. validation) on one or more of the items – the return value would be null and a single top level error would be returned. The state of the database in this case was non-deterministic.

The new behaviour is to return values for all items created, with null values for those that had errors. These errors are returned in the errors array and have paths which correctly point to the null values in the returned array. All the valid operations will be completed, leaving the database in a deterministic state.

Previously, if items were filtered out by declarative access control, then no error would be returned, and only those accessible items would be returned. Now the returned data will contain null values for those items which couldn't accessed, and the errors array will contain errors with paths which correctly point to the null values in the returned array.

Previously, if static access control denied access to the mutation, then null was returned, and a single error was returned. Now, an array of nulls is returned, with a separate error for each object. This makes the behaviour of static and declarative access control consistent.

Counts Improved 🔢

The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int

Prisma updated to 2.24.0 ⬆️

We've updated our Prisma dependency from 2.22.1 to 2.24.0! Check out the Prisma release notes for more details.

Credits 🎉

  • Thanks @jonowu for adding a sameSite option to the session options for cookies. Can be one of true, false, 'strict', 'lax' or 'none' as per Mozilla docs. See the PR for more details!

  • Thanks @gabrielkuettel for fixing a typo Database Items API page!

Enjoying Keystone?

Star this repo 🌟 ☝️ or connect to Keystone on Twitter and in Slack.

View verbose release notes



Major Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5787 bb4f4ac91 Thanks @timleslie! - Replaced req, session, createContext args to config.ui.pageMiddleware with a context arg.

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int

Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5772 f52079f0b Thanks @timleslie! - Fixed the behaviour of createItems, updateItems, and deleteItems mutations to be consistent and predictable.

    Previously, these mutations could return items in an arbitrary order. They now return items in the same order they were provided to the mutation.

    Previously, if there was an error, say a validation error, on one or more of the items then the return value would be null and a single top level error would be returned. The state of the database in this case was non-deterministic.

    The new behaviour is to return values for all items created, with null values for those that had errors. These errors are returned in the errors array and have paths which correctly point to the null values in the returned array. All the valid operations will be completed, leaving the database in a deterministic state.

    Previously, if items were filtered out by declarative access control, then no error would be returned, and only those accessible items would be returned. Now the returned data will contain null values for those items which couldn't accessed, and the errors array will contain errors with paths which correctly point to the null values in the returned array.

    Previously, if static access control denied access to the mutation, then null was returned, and a single error was returned. Now, an array of nulls is returned, with a separate error for each object. This makes the behaviour of static and declarative access control consistent.

  • #5777 74bc77854 Thanks @timleslie! - Updated the type of the skip argument to allItems from Int to Int! = 0.

  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5832 195d4fb12 Thanks @timleslie! - Updated the functions getCommittedArtifacts, validateCommittedArtifacts, generateCommittedArtifacts, and generateNodeModulesArtifacts exported from artifacts.ts to accept a KeystoneConfig argument rather than a BaseKeystone object.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5802 7bda87ea7 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed config.session to access a SessionStrategy object, rather than a () => SessionStrategy function. You will only need to change your configuration if you're using a customised session strategy.

  • #5828 4b11c5ea8 Thanks @timleslie! - Removed the keystone argument from the ExtendGraphqlSchema type. This will only impact you if you were directly constructing this function. Users of the graphQLSchemaExtension function will not be impacted.

  • #5787 bb4f4ac91 Thanks @timleslie! - Replaced req, session, createContext args to config.ui.pageMiddleware with a context arg.

Minor Changes

  • #5774 107eeb037 Thanks @jonowu! - Added sameSite option to session options for cookies

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #5815 b9c828fb0 Thanks @timleslie! - Fixed the type of originalInput in the argument to defaultValue.

  • #5802 7bda87ea7 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed config.session to access a SessionStrategy object, rather than a () => SessionStrategy function. You will only need to change your configuration if you're using a customised session strategy.

  • #5828 4b11c5ea8 Thanks @timleslie! - Removed the keystone argument from the ExtendGraphqlSchema type. This will only impact you if you were directly constructing this function. Users of the graphQLSchemaExtension function will not be impacted.

Patch Changes

  • #5831 5cc35170f Thanks @timleslie! - Updated the type of KeystoneContext.gqlNames to be GqlNames rather than just Record<string,string>.

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5787 bb4f4ac91 Thanks @timleslie! - Replaced req, session, createContext args to config.ui.pageMiddleware with a context arg.

  • Updated dependencies [b9c828fb0, a6a444acd, 59421c039, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 590bb1fe9, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0
    • @keystone-next/adapter-prisma-legacy@8.0.0


Major Changes

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #5832 195d4fb12 Thanks @timleslie! - Updated the functions getCommittedArtifacts, validateCommittedArtifacts, generateCommittedArtifacts, and generateNodeModulesArtifacts exported from artifacts.ts to accept a KeystoneConfig argument rather than a BaseKeystone object.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [fe5b463ed]:
    • @keystone-ui/popover@4.0.1


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Major Changes

Patch Changes


Major Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5771 51aca916b Thanks @raveling! - New tutorial for Keystone Lite. First draft.

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5823 553bad1e7 Thanks @gabrielkuettel! - Fixed a typo in the db items api sample code.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [5cc35170f, 3a7acc2c5]:

    • @keystone-next/fields-document@6.0.1
    • @keystone-ui/fields@4.1.0


Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0


Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, 5cc35170f, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 5cc35170f, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, 3a7acc2c5, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0
    • @keystone-next/types@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields-document@6.0.1
    • @keystone-ui/fields@4.1.0


Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5829 f36a70a55 Thanks @timleslie! - Updated insertSeedData to directly access context.prisma.

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 5cc35170f, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0
    • @keystone-next/types@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/cloudinary@5.0.1


Patch Changes

  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, 59421c039, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0


Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, 5cc35170f, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields-document@6.0.1


Patch Changes

  • #5806 0eadba2ba Thanks [@list({]({), [@list({]({)! - Removed withItemData in favour of a sessionData option to the createAuth() function.

    Previously, withItemData would be used to wrap the config.session argument:

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions, withAuthData } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
          session: withItemData(session, { User: 'id isAdmin' }),

    Now, the fields to populate are configured on sessionData in createAuth, and withItemData is completely removed.

    import { config, createSchema, list } from '@keystone-next/keystone/schema';
    import { statelessSessions } from '@keystone-next/keystone/session';
    import { text, password, checkbox } from '@keystone-next/fields';
    import { createAuth } from '@keystone-next/auth';
    const { withAuth } = createAuth({
      listKey: 'User',
      identityField: 'email',
      secretField: 'password',
      sessionData: 'id isAdmin',
    const session = statelessSessions({ secret: '-- EXAMPLE COOKIE SECRET; CHANGE ME --' });
    export default withAuth(
        lists: createSchema({
            fields: {
              email: text({ isUnique: true }),
              password: password(),
              isAdmin: checkbox(),
  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 5cc35170f, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0
    • @keystone-next/types@19.0.0


Patch Changes

  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, a2553ab82, 59421c039, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, a0ef39cb3, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/auth@26.0.0
    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0


Patch Changes

  • #5797 a6a444acd Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL field _all<path>Meta { count } generated for many relationships has been deprecated in favour of a new field <path>Count, which directly returns the count.

    A posts relationship field would have the following field added to the API:

    postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • #5792 319c19bd5 Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the type of the where argument to allItems to _allItemsMeta from type ItemWhereInput to ItemWhereInput! = {}.

  • #5850 5b02e8625 Thanks @timleslie! - The AND and OR operators of ItemWhereInput now accept non-null values, e.g. [ItemWhereInput!], rather than [ItemWhereInput].

  • #5767 02af04c03 Thanks @timleslie! - Deprecated the sortBy GraphQL filter. Updated the orderBy GraphQL filter with an improved API.

    Previously a User list's allUsers query would have the argument:

    orderBy: String

    The new API gives it the argument:

    orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = []


    input UserOrderByInput {
      id: OrderDirection
      name: OrderDirection
      score: OrderDirection
    enum OrderDirection {

    Rather than writing allUsers(orderBy: "name_ASC") you now write allUsers(orderBy: { name: asc }). You can also now order by multiple fields, e.g. allUsers(orderBy: [{ score: asc }, { name: asc }]). Each UserOrderByInput must have exactly one key, or else an error will be returned.

  • #5791 9de71a9fb Thanks @timleslie! - Changed the return type of allItems(...) from [User] to [User!], as this API can never have null items in the return array.

  • #5769 08478b8a7 Thanks @timleslie! - The GraphQL query _all<Items>Meta { count } generated for each list has been deprecated in favour of a new query <items>Count, which directy returns the count.

    A User list would have the following query added to the API:

    usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int
  • Updated dependencies [0eadba2ba, f52079f0b, b9c828fb0, 74bc77854, a6a444acd, 29075e580, 59421c039, 319c19bd5, c6cd0a6bd, 195d4fb12, 1fe4753f3, 5b02e8625, 76cdb791b, 762f17823, 0617c81ea, 02af04c03, 107eeb037, 9de71a9fb, 08478b8a7, 7bda87ea7, 590bb1fe9, 4b11c5ea8, 38a177d61, bb4f4ac91, 19a756496]:

    • @keystone-next/keystone@19.0.0
    • @keystone-next/fields@10.0.0


Patch Changes