This is my personal Neovim configuration tailored for development in multiple languages with a focus on performance, ease of use, and extended functionality. It leverages modern plugins to enhance Neovim’s built-in features.
- alpha-nvim A fast and highly customizable greeter for Neovim.
- blink.cmp Performant, batteries-included completion plugin for Neovim.
- catppuccin A warm, soft-colored Neovim theme with various flavors.
- conform.nvim Lightweight and fast autoformatting for Neovim.
- dressing.nvim Improve default Neovim
UI elements, like
. - flutter-tools.nvim Tools to help create and work on Flutter apps using Neovim.
- friendly-snippets Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages for multiple snippet engines.
- gitsigns.nvim Git integration for buffers, including signs, hunk navigation, and more.
- harpoon Navigation tool that helps with quick access to files and buffers.
- indent-blankline.nvim Adds indentation guides to Neovim.
- lazy.nvim A modern plugin manager for Neovim with performance-focused features.
- lazygit.nvim A Neovim wrapper for
command-line interface. - lualine.nvim A blazing ast and easily configurable statusline plugin.
- LuaSnip Snippet engine written in Lua for Neovim.
- mason-lspconfig.nvim
for easier management of LSP servers. - mason.nvim Portable package manager for Neovim to install LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
- nvim-lint An asynchronous linting engine for Neovim.
- nvim-lspconfig Quickstart configurations for the built-in Neovim LSP client.
- nvim-tree-docs A treesitter plugin that generates documentation comments for your code.
- nvim-treesitter Neovim treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for better syntax highlighting and code manipulation.
- nvim-web-devicons Adds file type icons to Neovim.
- oil.nvim A file explorer for Neovim that provides an efficient buffer-based interface.
- plenary.nvim A Lua library with essential utilities for building Neovim plugins.
- Switcheroo.nvim A simple colorscheme switcher.
- telescope-frecency.nvim Adds smart file sorting by frequency and recency to the Telescope plugin.
- telescope-project.nvim Project management extension for Telescope.
- telescope-ui-select.nvim
Provides a Telescope-based UI replacement for Neovim's built-in
. - telescope.nvim A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists for Neovim.
- vim-fugitive A Git wrapper that integrates Git commands into Neovim.
- which-key.nvim A Neovim plugin that shows keybindings in a popup as you type.
- git A free and open source distributed version control system.
- lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands.
- neovim 0.10
Not everything on the list is up to date, use it at your own risk.
- css-lsp cssls
- eslint-lsp eslint
- lua-language-server lua_ls
- quick-lint-js quick_lint_js
- typescript-language-server ts_ls
- eslint_d
- jsonlint
- luacheck
- markdownlint
- oxlint
- phpcs
- phpstan
- quick-lint-js quick_lint_js
- fixjson
- htmlbeautifier
- markdownlint
- prettierd
- stylua
This configuration aims to provide a fast, flexible, and feature-rich environment for coding, while keeping Neovim’s minimalist philosophy intact.