- TX
(UTC -05:00) - http://kyouko.me
ua-parser-js Public
Forked from amplitude/ua-parser-jsUAParser.js - Lightweight JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Component/Bower/Meteor package, & RequireJS/AMD m…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2023 -
wtf-performance-now-mocking Public
Sample code for showing strange discrepancy in Sinon Fake Timers behavior regarding performance.now()
context-color Public
Forked from soldni/context-color🌈 To each context its own shell color
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 13, 2018 -
aoc2017 Public
My solutions to the 2017 Advent of Code http://adventofcode.com/
Haskell UpdatedDec 28, 2017 -
cebwrpgrhyre Public
This is a certain solution set to an online set of problems. cebwrpgrhyre is in ROT-13.
Java UpdatedDec 27, 2014 -
Tic-Tac-Tic-Tac-Toe Public
gridworld project from 2013; requires the gridworld library but code still readable
Java UpdatedSep 17, 2014