A Flutter package that will automatically retrieve your OS defined Theme (Dynamic), force your prefered one (Light / Dark), allow you to present the user with a set of color themes to choose from and of course, persist this choice in your device.

- Set default theme
- Override system theme mode and set yours (light/dark)
- Change theme colors
- Customize color palettes for different theme modes
Click below to watch a quick demo.
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
adaptive_chameleon_theme: <latest_version>
This package allows for an arbitrary number of themes to be defined. Each theme has a unique ID
of type int
. To create the themes and map them to IDs, first you have to create an instance of
, like so:
final themeCollection = ThemeCollection(
themes: {
0: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
1: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.red),
fallbackTheme: ThemeData.light(), // optional fallback theme, default value is ThemeData.light()
I would however recommend you introduce a class with static const int
values to
associate a name to each ID value for easier reference:
class AppThemes {
static const int LightBlue = 0;
static const int LightRed = 1;
final themeCollection = ThemeCollection(
themes: {
AppThemes.LightBlue: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
AppThemes.LightRed: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.red),
fallbackTheme: ThemeData.light(),
final darkThemeCollection = ThemeCollection(
themes: {
AppThemes.Blue: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),
AppThemes.Red: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.red),
fallbackTheme: ThemeData.dark(),
NOTE: Remember to define a collection of dark themes equivalent in number to the normal themes.
Proceed to wrap your MaterialApp
with AdaptiveChameleonThemeWidget
in order to apply and modify UI
import 'package:example/themes.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:adaptive_chameleon_theme/adaptive_chameleon_theme.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AdaptiveChameleonThemeWidget(
themeCollection: AppThemes.themeCollection,
darkThemeCollection: AppThemes.darkThemeCollection,
defaultThemeId: AppThemes.aokiji, // optional, default id is 0
builder: (context, theme, darkTheme, themeMode) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: theme,
darkTheme: darkTheme,
themeMode: themeMode,
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Adaptive Chameleon Theme'),
You can utilise the changeThemeMode function from anywhere in your app. It provides a simple and straight forward way of altering the theme modes: light to dark, dark to light or to system default.
This function has two optional parameters: dynamic and dark. If the value of dynamic is true, it takes precedence over dark.
// sets theme mode to dark
AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).changeThemeMode(dark: true);
// sets theme mode to light
AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).changeThemeMode(dark: false);
// sets theme mode to system default
AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).changeThemeMode(dynamic: true);
The theme can be set anywhere in the app, provided you have a BuildContext
, e.g.:
By setting the theme, its ID is automatically saved via the
package, so the next time the
app starts, the theme can be restored automatically.
ThemeMode themeMode = AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).themeMode;
The above example will return a value of the enum used by MaterialApp's ThemeMode with one of the following values:
system - Use either the light or dark theme based on what the user has selected in the system settings.
light - Always use the light mode regardless of system preference.
dark - Always use the dark mode (if available) regardless of system preference.
To get the ID of the current theme, for example to create a selection UI as done in the example app provided with this package, call
final themeId = AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).themeId;
The plugin contains some out-of-the-box widgets to make implementation easier.
This is a toggle buttons widget that allows you to switch theme modes.
const ThemeModeSelectorWidget()

This is a toggle buttons widget that allows you to switch theme colors.
themeCollection: AppThemes.themeCollection,
selectedTheme: AdaptiveChameleonTheme.of(context).themeId,

The example app can be found in the example
folder. It implements a dropdown menu to select
between 5 themes. The app is the source for the video demo above.
Using this package in a live app? Let me know and I will add it here.
If you experience any problems using this package, please create an issue on Github. Pull requests are also welcome.
Many thanks to the projects/packages below that served as inspiration for this undertaking:
- dynamic_theme package from Norbert Kozsir
- easy_dynamic_theme package from Rene Lazo Mendez
- dynamic_themes package from Julian Aßmann
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