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Implemented cases command, formatted numeric output for all commands
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kevin-pierce committed Jul 28, 2020
1 parent 17e7bb7 commit 0daf7cf
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Showing 5 changed files with 422 additions and 248 deletions.
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions commands/cases.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
const axios = require("axios");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
name: "cases",
description: "Provides daily-updated data on COVID-19 cases globally",
async execute(message, args){
// Global death cases TOTAL
if (!args.length) {
let getTotalCases = async () => {
let response = await axios.get("");
let cases =;
return cases;
let totalCases = await getTotalCases();
return`Globally, there have been ${numberWithCommas(totalCases["cases"])} cases of COVID-19.`);
// Data for TODAY
else if ((args[0] === "today" || args[0] === "td")) {
// New cases TODAY
if (args.length == 1) {
let getTodayCases = async () => {
let response = await axios.get("");
return data =;
let todayCases = await getTodayCases();

console.log(todayCases["todayCases"]);`Today, there are ${numberWithCommas(todayCases["todayCases"])} new cases of COVID-19.`);
// Country-specific new cases TODAY
else if (args.length >= 2) {
let country = args.slice(1).join(" ");

let getTodayCountryCases = async () => {
let response = await axios.get("" + country + "?yesterday=false&strict=true&query").catch(err =>{
if (err.response){`<@${}> - Please enter a valid country.`)
return data =;
let todayCountryCases = await getTodayCountryCases();

console.log(todayCountryCases["todayCases"]);`Today, there are ${numberWithCommas(todayCountryCases["todayCases"])} new cases of COVID-19 in ${todayCountryCases["country"]}.`);

// Helper function that adds commas to large numbers using REGEX
let numberWithCommas = (x) => {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
// // The user specifies their search for YESTERDAY
// else if (args[0] === "yesterday" || args[0] === "ytd") {
// // Global deaths YESTERDAY
// if (args.length == 1) {
// let getDeaths = async () => {
// let response = await axios.get("");
// return deaths =;
// }
// let info = await getDeaths();

// console.log(info["todayDeaths"]);
//`Yesterday, ${info["todayDeaths"]} people died due to COVID-19.`);
// }
// // Country-specific deaths YESTERDAY
// else if (args.length >= 2) {
// let country = args.slice(1).join(" ");

// let getDeaths = async () => {
// let response = await axios.get("" + country + "?yesterday=true&strict=true&query").catch(err =>{
// if (err.response){
//`<@${}> - Please enter a valid country.`)
// }
// });
// return deaths =;
// }
// let info = await getDeaths();
// let totalYTDDeathsCountry = info["todayDeaths"];

// console.log(totalYTDDeathsCountry);
//`Yesterday, ${totalYTDDeathsCountry} people died due to COVID-19 in ${info["country"]}.`);
// }
// else {
// return`<@${}> - Invalid arguments. Please type !covhelp for help with commands.`);
// }
// }
// // Data HISTORICALLY (This argument returns a GRAPH)
// else if (args[0] === "historic" || args[0] === "hs") {

// // No specification on how far back the data goes (Simply 30 days)
// if (args.length == 1) {

// let getHistoricDeaths = async () => {
// let response = await axios.get("");
// return historicDeaths =;
// }
// let info = await getHistoricDeaths();

// let deathData = [];
// let xAxisLabels = [];

// // Format x-axis labels and compile data to be used on graph
// for (day in info["deaths"]){
// xAxisLabels.push("\"" + day + "\"");
// deathData.push(info["deaths"][`${day}`])
// }
// console.log(xAxisLabels);

// // Create a new embedded message for the bot to display the historic deaths
// const historicDeathEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
// .setColor("#990000")
// .setTitle("Historic Deaths for the Past 30 Days Globally")
// .setImage(`{type:'line',data:{labels:[${xAxisLabels}],datasets:[{label:'Deaths',data:[${deathData}],fill:false,borderColor:"rgb(178,34,34)",pointBackgroundColor:"rgb(178,34,34)"}]},options:{legend:{labels:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:18}},scales:{yAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",beginAtZero:false,fontSize:16}}],xAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:16}}]}}}`)

// return;
// }
// // Global deaths historically for a specified number of days
// else if (args.length == 2 && typeof(parseFloat(args[1])) === 'number') {
// let numDays = args[1];

// // Input validation - the number of days must be an integer between 2 and 100, inclusive
// if (!Number.isInteger(parseFloat(numDays)))
// return`<@${}> - Number of days must be a valid integer.`);
// else if (numDays > 100)
// return`<@${}> - I can only display data from up to the past 100 days.`);
// else if (numDays < 2)
// return`<@${}> - The number of days specified must be at least 2.`);
// else {
// let getDayHistoricDeaths = async () => {
// let response = await axios.get("" + numDays).catch(err =>{
// if (err.response){
//`<@${}> - error`)
// }
// });
// return data =;
// }
// let historicDayDeaths = await getDayHistoricDeaths();

// let dayDeathData = [];
// let xAxisLabels = [];

// // // Format x-axis labels and compile data to be used on graph
// // for (day in historicCountryDeaths["timeline"]["deaths"]){
// // xAxisLabels.push("\"" + day + "\"");
// // countryDeathData.push(historicCountryDeaths["timeline"]["deaths"][`${day}`])
// // }

// // Format x-axis labels and compile data to be used on graph
// for (day in historicDayDeaths["deaths"]){
// xAxisLabels.push("\"" + day + "\"");
// dayDeathData.push(historicDayDeaths["deaths"][`${day}`])
// }

// // Create a new embedded message for the bot to display the Country-specific historic deaths
// const historicDeathEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
// .setColor("#990000")
// .setTitle(`Historic Deaths for the Past ${numDays} Days Globally`)
// .setImage(`{type:'line',data:{labels:[${xAxisLabels}],datasets:[{label:'Deaths',data:[${dayDeathData}],fill:false,borderColor:"rgb(178,34,34)",pointBackgroundColor:"rgb(178,34,34)"}]},options:{legend:{labels:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:18}},scales:{yAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",beginAtZero:false,fontSize:16}}],xAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:16}}]}}}`)

// return;
// }
// }
// // Country specific historic deaths for certain days
// else if (args.length >= 3 && typeof(parseFloat(args[1]) === 'number') && /^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/i.test(args.slice(2).join(" "))) {
// let countryName = args.slice(2).join(" ");
// let numDays = args[1];

// if (!Number.isInteger(parseFloat(numDays)) && !isNaN(numDays))
// return`<@${}> - Number of days must be a valid integer.`);
// else if (numDays > 100)
// return`<@${}> - I can only display data from up to the past 100 days.`);
// else if (numDays < 2)
// return`<@${}> - The number of days specified must be at least 2.`);
// else {
// let getCountryHistoricDeaths = async () => {
// let response = await axios.get("" + countryName + "?lastdays=" + numDays).catch(err =>{
// if (err.response){
//`<@${}> - Please enter a valid country.`)
// }
// });
// return data =;
// }
// let historicCountryDeaths = await getCountryHistoricDeaths();

// let countryDeathData = [];
// let xAxisLabels = [];

// // Format x-axis labels and compile data to be used on graph
// for (day in historicCountryDeaths["timeline"]["deaths"]){
// xAxisLabels.push("\"" + day + "\"");
// countryDeathData.push(historicCountryDeaths["timeline"]["deaths"][`${day}`])
// }

// // Create a new embedded message for the bot to display the Country-specific historic deaths
// const historicDeathEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
// .setColor("#990000")
// .setTitle(`Historic Deaths for the Past ${numDays} Days in ${historicCountryDeaths["country"]}`)
// .setImage(`{type:'line',data:{labels:[${xAxisLabels}],datasets:[{label:'Deaths',data:[${countryDeathData}],fill:false,borderColor:"rgb(178,34,34)",pointBackgroundColor:"rgb(178,34,34)"}]},options:{legend:{labels:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:18}},scales:{yAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",beginAtZero:false,fontSize:16}}],xAxes:[{ticks:{fontColor:"white",fontSize:16}}]}}}`)

// return;
// }
// } else
// return`<@${}> - Command syntax is ` + "```" + "!deaths [historic/hs] [number of days] [name of country]" + "```");
// } else
// return`<@${}> - Please enter a valid argument. Type !covhelp for help with commands.`);
// }
// }

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